GreenHab Report – November 21th

Sol 8
GreenHab Officer: Caitlyn Hubric
Environmental control: (heater, fan, door open?) heater on, door closed, 20% humidity
Average temperatures: 43.3ºC/13.5ºC
Hours of supplemental light: N/A
Daily water usage for crops: 25.2 L ≈ 6.66 gal
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 0 gal
Water in Blue Tank ~258.34 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: twice, morning and night, 9am-5pm
Changes to crops:
-I harvested the assorted kale microgreens from the orange planter on the shelves, 75% of the dill growing in the big blue bin, and the remainder of the radish in the blue bin with beans.
-The tomatoes on the wood pallet are starting to produce true leaves and are looking very healthy. The tomatoes in the big blue planter and the single pots in front of it are growing a lot slower.
-The snow peas on the wood pallet are looking very happy and using the wood stakes to grow taller. I think they will need to use the wood stakes for more time before they are tall enough to switch to the metal cages.
-Today I harvested radish, kale, and dill microgreens to make a salad for my crew. We used the dill to infuse olive oil as a dressing and saved a little bit to top it. It was delicious!
-Tomorrow I plan to replant more radish in the blue bin to replace the radish I have harvested. I have decided to replant more after doing research, the plant does not contain enough energy to regrow itself after harvest.
Harvest: (include which crop and mass in grams)
-Radish microgreens: 85g
-Assorted kale microgreens: 45g
-Dill microgreens: 10g
Support/supplies needed: N/A

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