Sol: 3
Summary Title: Farm-to-Table
Author’s name: Matt Eby
Mission Status: In-Simulation
Sol Activity Summary: EVA excursion around Pooh’s Corner, off and running with the exercise protocol, and a small harvest from the GreenHab for dinner.
Look Ahead Plan: EVA to conduct first drone flights above ground paths of recent excursions (e.g. Marble Ritual).
Anomalies in work: EVA suit disconnected power plug.
Weather: Chilly morning, with moderating temperatures in the afternoon under brilliant cloud-free sunshine. Winds fairly light throughout the day.
Crew Physical Status: Crew in good shape, minor issues from high altitude and dry environment (minor headaches).
EVA: EVA led by the Technology Officer with support from the Crew Engineer and GreenHab Officer. 2 ¾ hour duration using Oppy and Curiosity rovers, miniature RC rover deployed at two locations to mark the mirror experiment location and to scout Pooh’s corner.
Reports to be filed: Journalist, Commander, Operations, Photos, EVA report, EVA request, GreenHab
Support Requested: N/A