EVA Report – May 21st

Crew 299 EVA 10 Report 5-21-2024

EVA #10

Author: Noah Mugan

Purpose of EVA: Travel to Marble Ritual and Pooh’s corner to pick up duplicates of previous samples.

Start Time: 10:00 AM

End Time: 10:55 AM

Narrative: EVA crew drove to Marble Ritual, where they collected several of the greenish-grey rocks from the ground. From there, they travelled to the white mound to the right of the road, just north of Pooh’s corner. They collected further samples there and tested the geiger counter to determine the level of radiation from the earth.

Destination: Marble Ritual and Pooh’s Corner


4251000 5187500 (Marble Ritual), 519000, 4251250 (Pooh’s Corner)

EVA Participants: Noah (Biologist), Avery (XO and Astronomer), and Aravind (Chemist)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Driving and walking

Sol Summary – May 21st

Crew 299 Sol Summary 5-21-2024
Summary Title: All in a Day’s work
Mission Status: Active
Sol Activity Summary:

I went on an EVA to Marble Ritual and Pooh’s corner and went as far as possible with the battery as a limitation. This was in order to collect samples from previous EVAs in order to compare the structure of the samples. I helped Kristina and Avery out in the Musk Observatory taking pictures. Then I headed out to the science dome to classify all the remaining samples. I also helped prepare a few more samples that were gathered earlier today and another soil sample courtesy of Noah.

For Sol 9, I went on and EVA with Noah and Aravind to collect more samples. I then worked with Kristina at the Musk Observatory (which was finally operating correctly!) and we were able to get two sets of solar imaging completed. Following this, we practiced using AstroImageJ and began processing the images we took today. We are still awaiting Robotic Observatory images.

Rishabh worked on further developing his path finding algorithm to run on the created models of the surrounding area.

I helped the crew set up for their EVA this morning. Then, I worked with Noah and Aravind in the science dome for the rest of the morning and afternoon. I also created a document and calculated the age of the igneous rock in the area to learn more about the area with the now dormant Henry Mountains. We can apply this technique to learn about radiation levels and ability to sustain life. I also set up an overnight experiment about the chemical composition of one type of soil.

I noted changes with the radishes, processed the final geological samples we collected, and began to prepare for final analyses of our findings

Sol 9 I woke up at 8 am and did the coms for the EVA. Then I went to the solar observatory with Avery and took two more sets of data. We processed the images till dinner and then after as well.

Journalist Report – May 21st

Hello Mission Control,

Today we had an early start. Kristina and I helped set up Avery, Noah and Aravind for their morning EVA. Kristina was on comms while they went to Marble Ritual, Pooh’s Corner, and drove up to Galileo road to test the battery of the rovers. They were back promptly and we started to then disperse for our individual projects.

Kristina and Avery went to the observatory and got it working again. After they took two sets of images and are almost done processing them. During that time, Aravind, Noah and I finished retesting the interesting samples we wanted to retake data for. I also deduced the age, cause, volcanic activity and interest to applying this technique on Mars and created a document. Noah also worked with his radishes and prepared a soil sample to look at. We also are now determining the final composition of some potting soil.

Rishabh has been working hard processing his videos and working on the map.

We have honestly had a very productive and long day as the Bevonauts! Happy to see this.

And Avery and Kristina prepared some incredible dinner. All in a day’s work!

Pari & the Bevonauts

Operations Report – May 21st

Crew 299 Operations Report 5-21-2024

SOL: 9

Name of person filing report: Rishabh Pandey (Engineer)

Non-Nominal Systems: Suit 9 (broken visor), Suit 11 (fan issue)

Notes on non-nominal systems: Issues with both suits were noted before our mission, both will not be used during our mission.

Rovers Used: None
General notes on rovers: None

Summary of Hab operations:
      WATER USE: 17 Gallons
      Water (static tank): 270.3 (using effective value from spreadsheet)
      Static tank pipe heater: off
      Static tank heater: off
      Toilet tank emptied: no

Summary of internet usage: Catch up on Earthly news, email responses, code development, entertainment

Summary of suits and radios: None used

Summary of GreenHab operations: NA, GreenHab out of operation

Summary of ScienceDome operations: More rock samples were made and analyzed. Radishes were watered and checked in on. Samples are also going to be further categorized.

Summary of RAM operations: Measuring tape used. Another pack of zip ties might be needed. The last pack in the RAM is running low.
Summary of observatory issues: NA

Journalist Report – May 20th

Hello Mission Control,

Today we had a relatively research focused day. It wasn’t very active since the winds were quite intense and we couldn’t do much with the drone due to the heavy rains. We did get group pictures to promote MDRS and our project on LinkedIn. Me, Kristina, and Avery worked on the astronomy project, got the Musk observatory up and working again. However, it wasn’t able to focus on the sun right away due to the winds. Avery and I prepped the samples that we retrieved yesterday and Noah and Aravind analyzed them. Noah, Aravind and I are working on EVA requests since we are yet unsure of what samples give us better data about how to work around Martian terrain. We are going to visit spots that we find would give us better day throughout the next few days. Rishabh is still working on processing his videos and the astronomers are hard at work with the code. We are yet again stuck with another rainy Monday :))

Pari & the Bevonauts

Operations Report – May 20th

Crew 299 Operations Report 5-20-2024

SOL: 8

Name of person filing report: Rishabh Pandey (Engineer)

Non-Nominal Systems: Suit 9 (broken visor), Suit 11 (fan issue)

Notes on non-nominal systems: Issues with both suits were noted before our mission, both will not be used during our mission.

Rovers Used: None
General notes on rovers: None

Summary of Hab operations:
      WATER USE: 20 Gallons
      Water (static tank): 172.3 (using effective value from spreadsheet)
      Static tank pipe heater: off
      Static tank heater: off
      Toilet tank emptied: no

Summary of internet usage: Catch up on Earthly news, email responses, code development, entertainment

Summary of suits and radios: None used

Summary of GreenHab operations: NA, GreenHab out of operation

Summary of ScienceDome operations: More rock samples were made and analyzed. Radishes were watered and checked in on. Samples are also going to be further categorized.

Summary of RAM operations: Multimeter and Measuring tape used. 25 zip ties were replaced as a result of high winds yesterday.
Summary of observatory issues: NA

Sol Summary – May 20th

Crew 299 Sol Summary 05-20-2024
Sol: 8
Summary Title: A Monday on Mars (Self Care Edition)
Mission Status: Active
Sol Activity Summary:

For Sol 8, Avery and Pari prepared samples for theScience Dome projects before heading out to the Musk Observatory. Pari, Kristina, and Avery were able to troubleshoot the issues with the Musk Observatory from yesterday. However, though it was sunny, it was also very windy. Because of this, there was not an opportunity to take suitable images. We are still waiting on additional images from the Robotic Observatory to process. Per Peter’s advice, we shortened the imaging exposure time to 240 seconds; before, it was 300 seconds. Avery was able to download AstroImageJ on her laptop and will attempt to use it with Kristina while they continue figuring out their Python script. Image processing will continue tomorrow, and we will hopefully be able to get more images from the Musk Observatory. Next, Pari, Noah and Aravind worked in the science dome to classify samples and what comparisons we must start making to come to meaningful conclusions for our research. We checked on the radishes as well. We are going to plan EVAs to get more samples from areas that are interesting for the UV detector and Geiger counter. Rishabh worked on further developing his path finding algorithm to run on the created models of the surrounding area.

EVA Report – May 19th

Crew 299 EVA 8 Report 5-19-2024

EVA #8

Author: Noah Mugan

Purpose of EVA: Explore Camel Ridge and Marble Ritual to gather information for drone map, gather samples, and introduce the journalist to EVA activities.

Start Time: 11:10 AM

End Time: 12:03 PM

Narrative: On today’s EVA, Pari, Avery, and Rishabh drove Spencer out to Camel Ridge to map out more areas for the drone map. We also hiked up a few hills and got samples. Then we got the all clear from Noah on comms to drive to Marble ritual as well. There we got some more footage and got two more samples.

Destination: Camel Ridge and Marble Ritual


4251000 5187500 (Marble Ritual), 518500 4249500 (Camel Ridge)

EVA Participants: Pari (Commander and Journalist), Avery (XO and Astronomer), and Rishabh (Engineer)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Driving and walking

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