Crew 305 EVA Report 18-12-2024
EVA # 10
Author: Ian Pamerleau
Purpose of EVA: Stream measurements, samples, rover observations, and media day.
Start time: 12:45 hr
End time: 15:00 hr
Narrative: Ian led the EVA with the accompaniment of Hunter, Spurha, and the media team. We took a bit more time than usual to get to our location south of Kissing Camel Ridge (KCR) for some great shots of Dhruv in the rover by the film crew. We departed from the Hab at about 12:55 hr with Perseverance, Spirit, and Opportunity at 296.2 hr, 258.3 hr, 197.8 hr (respectively), and 100% battery for all. We made our way south through the gap of KCR and stopped the rovers where the main stream cut through the road perpendicularly, a little east of Robert’s Rock Garden. We then disembarked the rovers and headed west towards the Rock Garden. Spruha and Ian began taking stream width measurements while Hunter took riverbed sand samples to see if they would match paleosol on cut banks upstream. As we conducted our field work, Dhruv asked us questions about why we were taking samples/measurements, where we were, and what we expected to find from our work, which we happily answered. After we took some samples and measurements west of the stream, we headed along it and got some measurements of tributaries to the northeast, this time with help from Dhruv. We then headed back to the rovers and drove them back through KCR. Dhruv’s film team got a good shot of him and Ian coming through the gap on Perseverance. Because we had enough time, we stopped a little north of the ridge to get a few more samples and measurements and stumbled upon someone’s used campfire circle. After we conducted all the field work we needed, we headed back to the Hab. At the end of the EVA, Perseverance was at 296.8 hr and 93% battery, Spirit was at 258.6 hr and 90% battery, and Opportunity was at 198.3 hr and 87% battery.
Destination: Robert’s Rock Garden & North of Kissing Camel Ridge
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): As far west as 518189E, 4248992N; as far east as 518782E, 4249214N. Stopped at 518313E, 4249626N for sampling and measurements on the way back.
Participants: Ian Pamerleau, Spruha Vashi, Hunter Vannier, Dhruv Khullar & Film Crew
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: MDRS driveway, Cow Dung Road south through Kissing Camel Ridge
Mode of travel: Rover to about 518522E, 4249136N & walking