EVA Report – December 23rd

EVA # 01
Author: Elizabeth Howard
Purpose of EVA: The purpose of this EVA was to test equipment and team operations for half of the crew. Crew members familiarized themselves with the process of driving to and from EVA sites, team communications, and equipment use.
Start time: 10:00 AM
End time: 11:30 AM
Narrative: Prior to going on EVA, crew members completed pre-EVA surveys; these are administered by the crew HSO and are intended to gauge how crew members are feeling about the mission. Spirit and Perseverance were driven to the site. During the EVA, Jesus showed Adriana and Keegan around the Marble Ritual and introduced them to the tradition of having each crew member find a marble to put in one of the baskets. EVA members observed the geography and variety of rocks in the area and got accustomed to how their suits fit. Crew Geologist, Elizabeth Howard, acted as CAPCOM. After EVA, the crew completed post-EVA surveys from the HSO and debriefed with the second EVA group.
Destination: Marble Ritual
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 518800E, 4251000N
Participants: Jesus Meza, Adriana Sanchez, Keegan Chavez
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: EVA began at MDRS and travel Northeast on Cow Dung Road 0110. The EVA took place at Marble Ritual, with the crew intending to walk approximately 1000 ft East of Marble ritual. The crew followed the same route back to the habitat.
Mode of travel: Driving and walking

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