Sol Summary – <date – January 5th>

Crew 306 Sol Summary Report 24-12-2024
Sol: 02
Summary Title: Martians at Work
Author’s name: Jesus Meza
Mission Status: Festive! All systems are nominal.
Sol Activity Summary:
The day started with a spa-con (spam bacon) and egg breakfast curtesy of Elizabeth. At 09:00 the team observed a stretching and meditation session led by Adriana and Rod. At 09:30 the team started preparations for EVA 03. Jesus, Elizabeth, and Rod went to Kissing Camel Ridge for DRONE’s maiden flight. The initial phase of the experiment was a success. Rod was able to safely pilot DRONE with the Li-DAR camera. While on EVA, Elizabeth was able to collect ambient magnetic data at the base of Kissing Camel East. Jesus was able to collect a miniscule amount of iron from the sand found in the dry stream beds in the area. Several bags of sand we’re collected for iron extraction in the coming days. Meanwhile at the HAB, Keegan provided CAPCOM for EVA, Ryan set up the Virtual Reality (VR) exercise for the team, and Adriana took care of the greenhouse and her mushrooms. At 13:00, the crew returned from EVA to fresh spaghetti cooked by Adriana using herbs from the greenhouse. At 14:00, the crew split up to perform research and work tasks. Keegan performed repairs on the tunnels connecting the station modules. Ryan ran VR studies on the crew. Elizabeth analyzed her magnetic data. Adriana performed her GreenHab tasks. Jesus organized his EVA samples with corresponding photographs and geotags, the way he was taught by 305 commander Hunter Vannier. Rod discovered that DRONE did not initiate data collection during its flight. Ryan and Rod spent the rest of the afternoon resolving this issue and DRONE is ready for it’s next mission.
Look Ahead Plan:
Happy Holidays! Sol 3 will be a day dedicated to personal research and relaxation. Only mission critical tasks will be accomplished. Weather permitting, EVA 04 will feature a DRONE test flight around the HAB. The crew will spend most of the day in the HAB celebrating the holidays by sleeping in, baking cookies, watching movies, and solving Ryan’s puzzle.
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Weather was clear skies with a high of 45 degrees F. Winds picked up in the late evening reaching up to 8 mph.
Crew Physical Status: Crew is happy and well.
EVA 03: Jesus, Elizabeth, and Rod completed their first research EVA. The EVA objectives were to perform DRONE maiden flight, take ambient magnetic data, and canvas the area for iron and iron-oxide minerals. All objectives for this EVA were completed.
Reports to be filed:
Sol Summary, Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, Crew Photos, EVA Report. EVA request.
Support Requested: None

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