Sol Summary – December 23rd

Crew 306 Sol Summary Report 23-12-2024
Sol: 01
Summary Title: First day on Mars
Author’s name: Jesus Meza
Mission Status: Active. All systems are nominal.
Sol Activity Summary:
Today was our first day on the red planet. GHO Adriana Sanchez and GEO Elizabeth Howard treated everyone to chocolate chip pancakes. The crew then embarked on our first two EVAs. EVA 01 saw CMD Jesus Meza, ENG Keegan Chavez, and Adriana perform the tradition of dropping a pebble into the baskets at Marble Ritual. EVA 02 was led by Elizabeth with HSO Ryan Villarreal and JOU Rodrigo Schmitt joining to also perform the ritual. The evening was then spent completing Ryan’s team puzzle task, completing their first puzzle in record time, but failing to complete the second puzzle within the time limit… but we haven’t given up yet.
Look Ahead Plan:
Sol 2 looks to be a productive day for research. EVA 03 will see Elizabeth, Rodrigo, and Jesus make a trip to Kissing Camel Ridge. Elizabeth will collect magnetic data of the surrounding area using an EMF meter. Rodrigo will attempt the maiden flight of his DRONE (Digital Reconstruction and Optical Navigation of the Environment) experiment. Meanwhile, Jesus will attempt to harvest Iron-rich minerals for his In-Situ resource utilization study. The HAB team will see Ryan set up our VR study, Adriana continues to set up her mushroom study, and Keegan install and debug sensor payloads for Purdue’s station monitoring study.
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Weather saw clear skies with a high of 50 degrees Fahrenheit and winds as high as 3 mph.
Crew Physical Status: Crew is happy and well.
EVA 01 saw Jesus, Keegan and Adriana complete the marble ritual. EVA 02 saw Elizabeth, Rodrigo and Ryan complete the marble ritual.
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, Crew Photos, EVA Report, and EVA Request.
Support Requested: None

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