Crew 306 GreenHab Report 29Dec2024
GreenHab Officer: Adriana Sanchez
Environmental control (fan & heater): Heater and fan on automatic at 94 and off at 82
Average temperatures (last 24h): 84.3
Maximum temperature (last 24h): 98.4
Minimum temperature (last 24h): 70.2
Hours of supplemental light: 1700 – 2200
Daily water usage for crops: 6 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: None
Water in Blue Tank (200-gallon capacity): 153.74 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 9:55am, 5:20pm
Changes to crops: Harvested one Sunflower
Narrative: I watered everything in the GreenHab today. There were no harvestable edible crops. The peas are doing well after the transplant. I cut down one sunflower and I am going to move some sunflower sprouts to bigger pots. I moved a humidifier to the grow tent in the science dome to up the humidity for the mushrooms. The humidity got up to 98% which is ideal. This will encourage mycelial growth.
Harvest: 54.98g Sunflower
Support/supplies needed: None