Operations Report – December 30th

Crew 306 Operations Report 30-12-2024
SOL: 08
Name of person filing report: Keegan Chavez

Non-nominal systems: Septic tank overflow sensor
Notes on non-nominal systems: Around 22:00 on Sol 07 the overflow sensor went off while the tank fill sensor indicated a level of only ¾ full, the tank was emptied but the overflow sensor continued to stay on, the battery from the overflow sensor was removed, around 11:00 on Sol 08 the battery was re-attached and the alarm has not sounded, currently the sensor is working properly

Spirit rover used: Yes
Hours: (before EVA): 260.2
Beginning charge: (Before EVA): 100
Ending charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging): 73
Currently Charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: No
Hours: (before EVA):
Beginning charge: (Before EVA):
Ending charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging):
Currently Charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: No
Hours: (before EVA):
Beginning charge: (Before EVA):
Ending charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging):
Currently Charging: Yes

Perseverance rover used: Yes
Hours: (before EVA): 298.8
Beginning charge: (Before EVA): 100
Ending charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging): 88
Currently Charging: Yes
General notes on rovers: none

Summary of Hab operations: Operations were nominal
Water Use (please use both methods to estimate water usage)
Time of measurements: 12/28/2024 1700 – 12/29/2024 1700
1) Per formula: 26.14 gal
2) Smart Home Dashboard: 29.44 gal
Water (static tank, remaining gallons): 255.925 gal (per formula)
Static tank pipe heater (on or off): On
Static tank heater (on or off): On
Toilet tank emptied (no or yes): yes

Summary of internet: nominal internet usage

Summary of suits and radios: suits 3,4,5 were used for EVA, radios were all operational and are fully charged

Summary of GreenHab operations: GreenHab Officer: watered plants, 1 pea pod has died, prepared potting plants for sunflowers, added tomato cages to tomato plants, harvested cucumbers, cilantro and dill
WATER USE: 7 gal
Heater (On or Off): On, automatic
Supplemental light (hours of operation): 1700 – 2200
Harvest (name, weight in grams): cucumbers: 310g, cilantro: 10g, dill: 10g

Summary of Science Dome operations: GreenHab Officer: fed mushrooms, took temp measurement of mushrooms, took images of mushrooms, refilled humidifier from spicket in tunnels
Dual split (Heat or AC, On or Off): On, automatic

Summary of RAM operations: Commander: none

Summary of any observatory issues: No issues
Summary of health and safety issues: Geologist developed a blister on their foot during EVA 08, HSO treated blister with band-aids; power cable leading from GreenHab to outside of tunnel system could be a safety concern if it gets caught under the door frame, no actions have been taken at this time

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support:

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