Crew 306 Sol Summary Report 28-12-2024
Sol: 06
Summary Title: Half-way there.
Author’s name: Jesus Meza
Mission Status: Active. All systems are nominal.
Sol Activity Summary:
The morning started at 07:00 with a “free-range” breakfast where everyone picked whatever they wanted. Most people had cereal or oats… but one crew member had chocolate chip cookies… and another had a can of tuna. At 09:00 the crew observed our morning meditation and stretching session. At 09:30 preparations started for EVA 07 to Eos Chasm. Jesus, Ryan, and Keegan made up the EVA team while Elizabeth ran coms. The EVA team departed the HAB at 10:00 and drove Perseverance and Opportunity north along cow dung road, stopping at the stream beds east of Eos Casma. The team then followed the streams to the entrance of the chasm and walked more than half-way of the way to the end where the chasm meets the Riverbed. Soil samples and rocks were collected along the way to analyze their iron content for the in-situ photo-voltaic project. Meanwhile at the HAB, Rod and Adriana stayed behind to work on their research and tend to the station. Rod ran a mid-mission inventory on our food stock. Despite our constant bread addiction, it appears we have plenty of food to last the rest of the mission. The EVA team returned to the HAB at around 13:46. Rod and Adriana prepared a delicious Brazilian Stroganoff for lunch. At 15:00 the crew then split off to rest and do research. Rod went to seek inspiration in the science dome. While Keegan and Elizabeth set up a competitive game of chess in the GreenHAB. In the late evening the crew completed their second team puzzle task for Ryan’s human factors research. Some of us love the puzzle… some of us hate the puzzle… but we are all obsessed with the puzzle. The team then finished off the day with mid-mission research reports.
Look Ahead Plan:
Keegan will lead Rod and Elizabeth back to Eos Chasma on EVA 08. The EVA team will perform EMF measurements of the area and perform Li-DAR scans of the riverbed. At the HAB, Adriana will continue to tend to her mushrooms and monitor her newly made CO2 chambers; Jesus will attempt to make his first Martian solar cell using hematite collected from HAB ridge; and Ryan will run coms for the EVA team.
Anomalies in work: None.
Weather: Skys were clear with morning temperatures near 32 degrees F. The day warmed significantly with a high of 50 degrees F.
Crew Physical Status: Crew is happy and well.
Jesus, Keegan, and Ryan completed EVA 07 to Eos Chasma. The objectives of this EVA were to collect samples from the riverbed to analyze their iron content, and to scout for launch sites for DRONE Li-DAR scans. A few potential hematite samples were collected from the riverbed, as well as two soil samples for iron extraction. The soil samples were collected from two spots, one at the entrance and one near the middle of the chasma. The team also found several spots within the chasm that can serve as DRONE launch sites. The launch sites were marked on the map and will be the target sites for EVA 08. Although we did not reach the end of the Eos Chasma, all objectives of EVA 07 were met.
Reports to be filed:
Sol Summary, Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, Crew Photos, EVA Report. EVA request. Mid-Mission Report.
Support Requested: None.