Crew 306 Sol Summary Report 29-12-2024
Sol: 07
Summary Title: Sunflower
Author’s name: Jesus Meza
Mission Status: Active. All systems are nominal.
Sol Activity Summary:
The morning started at 07:00 with crepes for breakfast. The crew skipped morning meditation and stretching in favor of using the time to prep for EVA 08, a long trek towards the end of EOS Chasma. Keegan led the EVA team, with Rod and Elizabeth tagging along for DRONE flights and ambient magnetic data. At the HAB, Ryan ran coms for the EVA team and administered VR cognitive test to the rest of the HAB crew. Adriana fed her mushrooms and set up a humidifier in the grow tent to encourage healthy growth. Jesus used the hematite samples collected from Hab Ridge on EVA 05, to create our first Martian solar cell. The device was partially successful as it produced 0.5 V, but only briefly. These results have yet to be re-re-produced and verified. The EVA team performed five DRONE flights at three different sites within the chasma before heading towards the mouth where it meets the river. The team collected a soil sample here to analyze the iron content. The team made it back to the HAB two minutes behind schedule at 14:32. For lunch, Adriana prepared Jambalaya and mashed potatoes. The crew then spent the afternoon recovering from EVA’s and finishing up VR studies. For dinner we are having tuna sandwiches. The highlight of the day is a beautiful sunflower Adriana picked from the greenhab.
Look Ahead Plan:
Weather permitting, Elizabeth will lead Adriana and Jesus back to Eos Chasma to take EMF data of a spot deeper in the chasma. A secondary objective is to rescue a phone that was left behind somewhere near the second half of the chasma. Jesus will continue to look for hematite samples in the riverbed.
Anomalies in work: None.
Weather: Skys were clear with morning temperatures near 29 degrees F. The day warmed significantly with a high of 53 degrees F.
Crew Physical Status: Crew is happy and well.
Keegan, Rod, and Elizabeth traveled to Eos Chamsa to take Li-DAR scans of the riverbed and EMF data near the entrance at the start of the chasma. The team performed a total of five DRONE flights at three different sites within the chasma, before tracking down to explore the end of the chasma where it meets the river. A soil sample was collected here for iron extraction at the HAB. The team made it back safe and sound two minutes behind schedule at 14:32.
Reports to be filed:
Sol Summary, Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, Crew Photos, EVA Report, and EVA request.
Support Requested: The crew has seen some evidence of a rodent in the HAB. No food has been chewed, but there are a few droppings underneath the cabinets, and up in the loft. It’s uncertain if these are new, or old. We will keep an eye out.