Sol Summary – December 30th

Crew 306 Sol Summary Report 30-12-2024
Sol: 08
Summary Title: Search
Author’s name: Jesus Meza
Mission Status: Active. All systems are nominal.
Sol Activity Summary:
The morning started at 07:00 with another free-range breakfast. Nothing weird this time, just peanut butter sandwiches or oats. At 09:00 we began stretching, and at 09:15 we began EVA prep. Elizabeth led EVA 08 along with Adriana and Jesus back to Eos chasma for a search and rescue of her phone and EMF measurements. At the HAB, Rod ran coms for the EVA team while Keegan and Ryan recovered from their own trip to Eos yesterday. The EVA team headed straight for to the end of Eos following the tracks left behind by the team on EVA 07. Along the way they stopped to search around DRONE sites for the missing equipment, and Jesus searched for new hematite samples. Adriana was just happy for the walk as her work in the greenhab and with her mushrooms keeps her at the HAB for consecutive sols. The phone was found near the mouth of Eos… and Jesus and Adriana got to witness the majestic site of a green mars. The EVA team made it back to the HAB at 14:13. Ryan and Keegan had prepared a succulent meal of cheddar vegetable soup with cous-cous. The afternoon was slow, with the EVA team recovering from the long trek to Eos. The team is happy to have concurred the chasma… but I don’t think any of us want to go back any time soon. For dinner we are having black bean burgers. I think we are on out tenth loaf of bread? We lost count after we baked two loafs yesterday for the tuna melts.
Look Ahead Plan:
Keegan will lead Ryan and Rod south down cow-dung road to take DRONE scans around Barrainca Bute and White Rock Canyon. The rest of the team will recover from our trip to EOS and continue research at the HAB. Jesus has many samples to extract iron from and will attempt to reproduce the solar cell results from Sol 7.
Anomalies in work: None.
Weather: Skys were clear with abnormally warm temperatures in the morning approximating 40 degrees F. The high temperature was 50 degrees F. The day has been rather windy, with average winds of 15 mph, and gust up to 25 mph.
Crew Physical Status: One crew member has a blister on their toe from today’s EVA. We will make sure they rest before going on their next EVA.
Elizabeth, Adriana, and Jesus went back to Eos Chasma for EMF measurements, search for hematite samples, and to search for a missing phone. No new hematite samples were found, but areas that had previously been un-explored were covered more thoroughly. The phone was found at the end of the chasma. Only two of the EVA objectives were met, 1 finding the phone, and 2 searching for hematite. No EMF data was collected due to time constraints.
Reports to be filed:
Sol Summary, Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, Crew Photos, HSO report, EVA Report, and EVA request.
Support Requested: We would like special permission to connect to the permanent wifi to watch the new-years countdown tomorrow outside of coms.

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