Crew 306 Sol Summary Report 01-01-2025
Sol: 10
Summary Title: New year, same old crew 306.
Author’s name: Jesus Meza
Mission Status: Active. All systems are nominal.
Sol Activity Summary:
Last night, mission support was kind enough to provide special coms for the crew to watch the “Boot Drop” in Prescott Arizona to ring in the Mountain Time new year. We huddled around a laptop eating brownies as we watched the “time delayed” feed of the celebrations on earth. By the time we got everything cleaned up it was 01:30. Naturally we had a late start to the day on Sol 10… at 07:30. Jesus made speggs (spam and eggs) and potatoes for breakfast. At 9:15 the crew started preparations for EVA 11. Keegan led Rod and Ryan down to White Rock Canyon, and Barrianca Butte to perform Li-DAR scans of the two sites and take ambient magnetic measurements for Elizabeth. Meanwhile at the HAB, Adriana, Elizabeth, and Jesus took turns running coms while performing general tasks such as cleaning and organizing the HAB. The EVA team returned to the HAB at 12:55. Elizabeth made rice and ground beef for the crew to eat during lunch. At 15:30 the crew split up to do research and general tasks. Rod, Ryan, and Keegan continue to work on improving the DRONE data collection software. Adriana continues to monitor her mushrooms, and Jesus continues to work on fabricating solar cells using the hematite samples he collected on EVA. In the late afternoon Keegan and Ryan began another game of Terraforming Mars, a game which half of the crew seems to be consumed by. For dinner we are having a vegetable stir-fry to make up for having brownies yesterday.
Look Ahead Plan:
Sol 11 will look forward to the end of our rotation. Rod, Elizabeth, and Keegan will return to the site of EVA 11 to perform more Li-DAR scans. Ryan will run coms and provide tech support for the DRONE. Jesus will perform final experiments with his solar cells, and Adriana will begin to wrap up her mushroom study. The rest of the day will be spent on VR cognitive test and wrapping up our research in anticipation of the end of our rotation on Sol 12.
Anomalies in work: None.
Weather: Today was a cold day with a high temperature of 41 degrees F. Skies were clear and winds were low with an average speed of 1 mph, and gusts up to 6 mph.
Crew Physical Status: The crew is physically well, but sad that our rotation is ending soon.
EVA 11 saw Keegan, Rod, and Ryan travel to White Rock Canyon and Barrainca Butte. The team’s goal was to take ambient magnetic measurements for Elizabeth’s project and perform Li-DAR scans of the area. After several attempts, the team was unable to connect to DRONE’s onboard computer to initiate data collection. This time it was a problem with the SSH portal, rather than the code problems observed before EVA 10. Because of this problem, the team was unable to perform the Li-DAR scans. The team did however take the required magnetic data, and identified several spots ideal for scanning. The team looks to return to the site on Sol 11, for what is likely to be our last EVA.
Reports to be filed:
Sol Summary, Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, Crew Photos, EVA Report, and EVA request.
Support Requested: None.