Sol Summary – January 2nd

Crew 306 Sol Summary Report 02-01-2025
Sol: 11
Summary Title: Last call for science.
Author’s name: Jesus Meza
Mission Status: Active. All systems are nominal.
Sol Activity Summary:
The day began at 7:00. Ryan made crepes for breakfast and we topped them with mango or strawberry frosting that Adriana had made the night before. At 9:00 the team preformed mediation, and at 09:15 the team began preparations for EVA 12, the last EVA of the mission. Keegan, Elizabeth, and Rod went back to White Rock canyon and Barrainca Butte to perform DRONE flights. This time, the team was successful in performing Li-DAR scans of the area. Elizabeth was also able to collect more ambient magnetic data from the area around the Butte. Meanwhile at the HAB, Ryan ran coms while Adriana and Jesus worked to wrap up their research in the science dome. Jesus performed iron extraction from the last set of soil samples collected at Eos Chasma and found that they contained the highest iron yield yet. The hematite solar cells on the other hand seem to not be photo-sensitive, instead acting like chemical batteries, generating charge from the reaction of the hematite with the copper electrode and iodide tincture. Adriana continues to monitor the growth of her mushroom samples and began to pack up some of her experiment. The EVA team returned to the HAB at 13:18. The crew then had lunch together, Ryan and Adriana made lentils and rice. At 15:00 the crew split up to wrap-up research tasks. Ryan ran the last set of VR test for the crew. Keegan worked in the RAM on prototype hardware for a wearable CO2 and Temp sensor for the EVA suits. Rod worked on processing his DRONE data. And Elizabeth work on her EMF data.
Look Ahead Plan:
Sol 12 will be spent wrapping up our experiments, cleaning up the facilities, and packing up our supplies. The crew anticipates being ready to exit our simulation at 16:00, take some photographs outside the HAB, and maybe a traditional burger from Stan’s. The crew is sad that our time on mars is coming to an end… but we are excited to arrive back on earth.
Anomalies in work: None.
Weather: It was a beautiful day on mars. The skies were mostly clear with scattered clouds. The temperature high was 46 degrees F. Average winds were 2 mph, with gust up to 5 mph.
Crew Physical Status: The crew happy and well.
EVA 12 was the last EVA of our rotation. Keegan led Rod and Elizabeth back to White Rock Canyon and Barrainca Butte. This time the DRONE was very co-operative and performed as expected. The team was able to perform a total of nine Li-DAR scans of the two EVA sites. The team also acquired a couple hours of ambient magnetic data for Elizabeth’s project. All objectives for this EVA were completed. No additional EVA’s will be required for the mission.
Reports to be filed:
Sol Summary, Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, Crew Photos, EVA Report, and EVA request.
Support Requested: The crew would like to request the crew car for a drive down to Stan’s Burger Shack tomorrow evening. Mission support can come along with us if they would like. Don’t worry, we will try to shower before dinner.

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