Crew 310 EVA Report 03-02-2025
EVA #1
Author: Anna Bach
Purpose of EVA: Install a giant piece of art in the desert. The image will be captured over the following days with a satellite. This work will require several EVAs. The plan for this EVA is to locate a plain terrain and set up the measuring strings to have a reference to then extend the piece of art. If there is time left we will start extending the fabric. The documentary filmmaker will record the EVA.
Start time: 9AM
End time: 11:15AM
Narrative: We arrived at the location without incidence, and located an area that was plain enough for our purposes. For the first hour we have been setting up the measuring strings, all achieved as expected. The next 30 minutes, we started extending the fabric. This went as planned until the wind started blowing. The fabric was too thin and the wind blew it. After considering the situation, we decided to abort. We collected the fabric and came back to the Hab.
Destination: before crossing Kissing Camel Ridge W.
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 518000 E , 4249550 N
Participants: Ariadna Farres (Commander & Astronomer) (EVA Leader), Anna Bach (Executive officer & Artist), Estel Blay (HSO & Scientist), Marta Ferrer (Documentary Filmmaker).
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Drive on Cow Dung Road 0110.
Mode of travel: driving.