Crew 310 Operations Report 06-02-2025
SOL: 4
Name of person filing report: Helena Arias
Non-nominal systems:
Robotic Observatory
Hab secondary structure
Toilet tank level indicator
Notes on non-nominal systems: Maintenance of the observatory planned for June. There are air leaks in the upper deck of the Hab. The scratches were covered with duct tape and bubble wrap The solution improves the situation. The toilet tank was full (although the indicator shows 2/3). The alarm started ringing at 4.30 am. The tank was emptied following the protocol, but the indicator did not update accordingly, and the alarm would not switch off, so we disconnected the battery. Visual inspection will be performed from now on and until the indicator is fixed. We propose rebooting the indicator either by disconnecting and reconnecting the power source or pressing the pump switch.
Spirit rover used: yes
Hours: 264,0
Beginning charge: 100 %
Ending charge: 84 %
Currently charging: yes
Opportunity rover used: no
Hours: –
Beginning charge: –
Ending charge: –
Currently charging: yes
Curiosity rover used: yes
Hours: 293,4
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 75 %
Currently charging: yes
Perseverance rover used: yes
Hours: 302,9
Beginning charge: 100 %
Ending charge: 88 %
Currently charging: yes
General notes on rovers: last check made on SOL 4 (19:30 PM).
Summary of Hab operations: Sport, meals, EVA preparation and 3d printing activities have been made as usual. The toilet tank was full (although the indicator shows 2/3). The alarm started ringing at 4.30 am and was deactivated by disconnecting the battery.
Water Use (please use both methods to estimate water usage)
Time of measurements (collect data for the same time window): 7:00 pm
1) Per formula (see notes): 22,21 gal.
2) Smart Home Dashboard (see notes): 26.57 gal.
Water (static tank, remaining gallons): 394,467 gal.
Static tank pipe heater (on or off): On
Static tank heater (on or off): On
Toilet tank emptied (no or yes): Yes
Summary of internet: used from 7:00 am to 8:00 am and from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm for personal communication and reports.
Summary of suits and radios: LilyGo antenna has been reset during EVA #7 due to anomalies on the refresh rate. After the reset, the system worked as nominal.
Suits: 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9
Radios: nominal
All radio and spacesuit batteries checked before EVA: Yes. All nominal.
Summary of GreenHab operations: plants were watered twice (morning and evening) and some plants were harvested.
WATER USE: 9 gallons
Heater (On or Off): On
Supplemental light (hours of operation): 2
Harvest (name, weight in grams):
42 g Arugula Astro (rucola)
25 g basil
7 g parsley
15 g mint
25 g scallion
23 g carrot (1 unit)
117 g cucumber (1 unit)
35 g cherry tomato
20 g radish (2 units)
Summary of Science Dome operations: Marina Martínez, Jennifer García and Anna Bach have been working on their projects.
Dual split: Off
Summary of RAM operations: Monica Roca has been working on the reflector parts. RAM was also used as an airlock for the second EVA of the day.
Summary of any observatory issues:
Robotic observatory: Not working. Maintenance planned for June.
Summary of health and safety issues: none
Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: The toilet tank indicator should be fixed. The engineer will follow any instructions received from Mission Support.