Journalist Report – February 6th

Crew 310 Journalist Report 06Feb2025
Author: Jennifer García Carrizo, Crew Journalist

The crew of Hypatia II woke up early, ready for another exciting day on Mars! Part of the team has set off in the morning and afternoon for exhausting EVAs to continue their work on the mission’s scientific and artistic project.
Meanwhile, the rest of the crew stayed at the station. Journalist Dr. Jennifer García Carrizo has documented key moments of the mission, ensuring that every step of their journey has been recorded. At the same time, artist Anna Bach worked on her children’s project, soon to be published in Catalan with the editorial Estrella Polar. It will narrate the incredible adventures of the mission. With great care, she sketched beautiful and flattering portraits of each Hypatia II crew member. She has now begun to illustrate key scenes from the book, taking inspiration from the landscapes that surround us. She has also walked around the Martian station to make accurate drawings of the facilities and the tools geologist Dr. Marina Martínez has been using in the scientific dome. In fact, she has been busy analyzing the variety of samples she has collected in Vallis Marineris, including different clays and minerals. For that, she has been utilizing the Spectroscout, a portable Energy Dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, provided by SPECTRO.
The mission has continued and so has the excitement—every day has brought discoveries and creative achievements! Stay tuned for more updates from Hypatia II!

Astronomy Report – February 8th



Crew 310 Astronomy Report 08-02-2025

Name: Ariadna Farrés

Crew: 310

Date: 08-02-2025


Robotic Telescope Used: RCOS-16

Objects to be Imaged this Evening: Cat’s Eye Nebula

Images submitted with this report: messier 82_12195152_stack_0.fits

Problems Encountered: none


Solar Features Observed: total number of sunspots 9, with 2 big groups.

Images submitted with this report: the images have not been processed yet

Problems Encountered: none

GreenHab Report – February 8th

Crew 310 GreenHab Report 08-02-2025

GreenHab Officer: Dr. Marina Martínez

Environmental control (fan & heater): Heater 24h

Average temperatures (last 24h): 82.1 ºF

Maximum temperature (last 24h): 93.84 ºF

Minimum temperature (last 24h): 70.3 ºF

Hours of supplemental light: 2 hours

Daily water usage for crops: 10.2 gallons total

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 75 ml

Water in Blue Tank (200 gallon capacity): 142 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 9 am, 8:30 pm

Changes to crops: N/A

Narrative: General watering of plants and crops were done today. We enjoyed a sunny day today with no wind. The door remained closed all day and the supplementary light from 5pm to 8.30pm. The plants have been watered twice, once in the morning and once in the evening. In the evening, I harvested cucumbers (they have suddenly grown), cherry tomatoes, and basil.

Harvest: (include which crop and mass in grams):

· 20 g basil

· 260 g cucumber

· 57 g cherry tomatoes

Support/supplies needed: none

Operations Report – February 8th

Crew 310 Operations Report 08-02-2025

SOL: 6

Name of person filing report: Helena Arias

Non-nominal systems:

Robotic Observatory

Hab secondary structure

Spacesuit 7 ventilation

Notes on non-nominal systems: Maintenance of the observatory planned for June. There are air leaks in the upper deck of the Hab. Some scratches were covered with duct tape and bubble wrap. Other scratches will be covered during this evening using the same method. Opportunity’s tire is already filled with air and under observation. The ventilator on spacesuit 7 stopped working instantaneously during the first EVA but started working again after shaking the backpack.


Spirit rover used: yes

Hours: 264.2

Beginning charge: 100 %

Ending charge: 66 %

Currently charging: yes

Opportunity rover used: no

Hours: –

Beginning charge: –

Ending charge: –

Currently charging: yes

Curiosity rover used: yes

Hours: 293.8

Beginning charge: 100 %

Ending charge: 99 %

Currently charging: yes

Perseverance rover used: yes

Hours: 303.5

Beginning charge: 100 %

Ending charge: 90 %

Currently charging: yes

General notes on rovers: last check made on SOL 6 (8:00 PM).

Summary of Hab operations: Sport, meals, EVA preparation, computer-based research and 3d printing activities have been made as usual.

Water Use (please use both methods to estimate water usage)

Time of measurements (collect data for the same time window): 7:00 pm
1) Per formula (see notes): 35.903 gal.
2) Smart Home Dashboard (see notes): 31.46 gal.

Water (static tank, remaining gallons): 340.88 gal.

Static tank pipe heater (on or off): On

Static tank heater (on or off): On

Toilet tank emptied (no or yes): No

Summary of internet: used from 7:00 am to 8:00 am and from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm for personal communication and reports.

Summary of suits and radios: The ventilator on spacesuit 7 stopped working instantaneously during both EVAs but would start working again after shaking the backpack.

Suits: 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Radios: nominal

All radio and spacesuit batteries checked before EVA: Yes. All nominal.

Summary of GreenHab operations: plants were watered twice (morning and evening) and some plants were harvested.

WATER USE: 10.2 gallons

Heater (On or Off): On

Supplemental light (hours of operation): 2.5

Harvest (name, weight in grams):

20 g basil

260 g cucumber

57 g cherry tomato

Summary of Science Dome operations: Marina Martínez and Anna Bach has been working on her experiments.

Dual split: Off

Summary of RAM operations: Monica Roca has been working on the reflector parts.

Summary of any observatory issues:

Robotic observatory: Not working. Maintenance planned for June.

Summary of health and safety issues: none

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: The engineer requests guidance to check and fix the ventilation of Spacesuit 7. The crew has also experienced some issues with the LilyGoes. After arriving to the final location in the first EVA of the day, LilyGo 7’s location kept updating in the same position with no change. All devices were reset during the activity of the EVA. The four LilyGoes were checked once the crew arrived to the main Hab, as no change was noticed in the iMAC. LilyGo 7 was reset again with no success. This same LilyGo was taken in the second EVA by error, but it started showing it’s location as LilyGo 10, instead of 7. Guidance is also requested in order to solve this issue.

Sol Summary – February 8th

Crew 310 Sol Summary Report 08-02-2025

Sol: 6

Summary Title: The Sun is finally shining on Mars

Author’s name: Ariadna Farres, Commander

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: The crew started with an early EVA, as they wanted to be before 8am around Kissing Camel Ridge to start working on the large-scale artist project. There was a satellite pass at 10:08 am and another at 11:31 am, so the art project needed to be up by 10 am. Estel Blay (HSO), Anna Bach (Artist in Residence), Monica Roca i Aparici (Mission Specialist) and Marta Ferrer (Filmmaker) were in charge of this EVA. Thanks to the low wind, this EVA was a success as they managed to deploy everything on time for the satellite to capture the moment. The crew that stayed in the base was expectant and also cheered when the first satellite passed.

The crew that stayed inside, worked on their respective projects. Marina Martinez (Greenhab Officer and Geologist) analyzed some of the geological samples she has been collecting. Ariadna Farres (Commander and Astronomer) was able to finally observe the Sun from the Musk observatory. Jennifer Garcia (Journalist) and Helena Arias (Engineer) worked on filming some outreach videos for one of the projects.

After enjoying a healthy lunch, the crew swapped places, Estel, Marina, Monica and Marta stayed inside, while Marina, Ariadna, Helena and Jennifer went on an EVA. During the afternoon EVA the crew went back to Kissing Camel Ridge, where the art project had been placed. To avoid problems with possible high wind gusts in the evening they started by removing the large-scale art piece. They then kept exploring the area to collect geological samples.

The crew that stayed inside in the afternoon, kept working on their respective research projects. Estel Blay worked on her solar panel experiment, Mònica Roca stayed inside the RAM preparing things to keep setting up the corner reflector. Anna Bach and Marta Ferrer, where at the science dome where they filmed some videos for several projects.

Once the EVA crew was back in the main Hab, they tried to figure out what might be the problem with the anomalies with LilyGo #7 and #10. After checking that all crew members had returned with their LilyGo and making sure they had eight of them in the main Hab they reported that to Mission Control.

Around 6:30 pm the crew started planning their activities for tomorrow and working on their reports.

Anomalies in work: (1) The air on spacesuit #7 stopped working unexpectedly during the morning EVA, but was able to be reset. (2) LilyGo #7 showed an anomaly in the field, the iMac shows #7 is still outside but we have it physically in the Hab.

Weather: Sunny, Temperature 28 F / 54 F

Crew Physical Status: Nominal

EVA: Crew 310 conducted two EVAs. A morning EVA was to complete the large-scale artist project before crossing Kissing Camel Ridge. An afternoon EVA to take down the large-scale artist project and collect some geological samples around the area.

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, EVA request #12 #13, EVA Report #10 #11, Operations Report, Astronomy Report, GreenHab Report, Journalist Report, Pictures of the Day.

Support Requested: Guidance on how to address the anomalies experienced with spacesuit #7 and LilyGo #7.

EVA Report – February 8th

Crew 310 EVA Report 08-02-20205

EVA #10

Author: Anna Bach

Purpose of EVA: The purpose of the EVA was to finalise the macro piece of art right before the satellite passed at 11:30 AM. We also wanted to record it with a drone from above.

Start time: 7:40AM

End time: 11:55AM

Narrative: We arrived early in the morning to the location we were planning to unfold the macro piece of art. In the previous days we had set up the references so that the unfolding was straightforward. Fortunately, there was no wind at all, and we could unfold the fabric without a problem. By 10:00AM everything was ready for the 1st satellite pass, at 10:08AM. The next satellite pass was set at 11:30AM. Between 10 and 11:30, Mònica flew the drone above the piece of art and recorded it. Marta also recorded many parts of the process. At 11:30AM there was still no wind, so the piece of art stayed still without incident. At 11:40 we started packing and came back to the base.

Destination: before crossing Kissing Camel Ridge W.

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 518000 E , 4249550 N

Participants: Anna Bach (Executive officer & Artist) (EVA Leader), Estel Blay (HSO & Scientist), Marta Ferrer (Documentary Filmmaker), Mònica Roca (Mission specialist)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Drive on Cow Dung Road 0110.

Mode of travel: driving

Journalist Report – February 8th

Crew 310 Journalist Report 08Feb2025
Author: Jennifer García Carrizo, Crew Journalist

After wrapping up yesterday with a thrilling group activity, searching for mini-astronauts and aliens all over the station, the crew woke up early for an exciting extravehicular activity! They have been working hard on their incredible scientific-artistic project, which is now finished and it will be revealed on the 11th of February on the Girl and Woman in Science Day.
Meanwhile, the rest of the crew remained inside the station. Taking advantage of today’s light winds, Commander Ariadna Farrés has opened the solar telescope dome, treating us to breathtaking images of the Sun and its mesmerizing sunspots!
At the same time, Helena Arias Casals and Jennifer García Carrizo have been busy recording audiovisual materials to showcase the sustainable practices that the crew is implementing on their mission. Some examples are reducing water consumption, optimizing nutrition, and staying active in space-like conditions. Sustainability in action!
In the afternoon, part of the team embarked on another EVA, have made the most of the light winds to capture stunning aerial images of the Camel Ridge area. Meanwhile, the geologist Marina Martínez had her first chance to test the Spectroscout in the field—a portable Energy Dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer provided by SPECTRO.
The Hypatia II crew is getting to cruise speed as they reach the middle of their mission. And guess what? Tomorrow is going to be a special EXTRA day! Stay tuned—you won’t want to miss it!

Supplemental Operations Report -February 8th


Name of person filing report: David Steinhour
Reason for Report: Routine
Non-Nominal Systems:
-UV lamp has arrived for the water filter, and it is awaiting installation.
-Small cracks in the wall of the Hab in the loft area are allowing cold air intrusion.
-Generator piston rings are slowly going bad, and the generator is at more than 4x its recommended service life before overhaul.
-Opportunity tire is leaking.
-Crew car driver side ball joint needs replacement
-Power system battery
-Tear in tarps where the tunnels meet outside the science dome."

Propane Readings: "Refilled 1/27
Station Tank: 73%
Director Tank: 80%
Intern Tank: 86%
Generator Tank: 52%"

Water: "Hab Static Tank – 379 gallons
GreenHab – 152 gallons
Outpost tank – 100% FULL"

Rovers: "Sojourner rover used: Yes
Hours: 209.5
Beginning Charge: 100 %
Ending Charge: 100 %
Currently Charging: Yes
Notes on Rovers: Opportunity’s right rear tire was low on 2/8. No leak was easily found. It was refilled and checked throughout the day of 2/8. with no major leak identified"

Cars: "Crew car driver’s side front ball joint is bad. Low oil pressure is most likely caused by a bad sensor (it does not change due to RPM or temperature like it should).
Hab Car used and why, where: To Hanksville for supplies.

Summary of Internet: Nominal
EVA suits and radios: "Suits: All nominal.
Comms: All nominal.
T-Echo Locators: After resetting, all nominal. New features have been added."
Campus wide inspection, if action taken, what and why: Small but growing tear in the tunnel tarp, at the intersection of the science dome and observatory tunnels.
Summary of Hab Operations: UV lamp has arrived for water filter, and it is awaiting installation. Small cracks in the wall of the Hab in the loft area are allowing cold air intrusion.
Summary of GreenHab Operations: Nominal
Summary of SciDome Operations: Nominal
Summary of Observatories Operations: Nominal
Summary of RAM Operations: Nominal
Summary of Outpost Operations: Nominal
Summary of Health and Safety Issues: Nominal

EVA Report – February 7th

Crew 310 EVA Report 07-02-2025

EVA #: 9

Today’s Date: 07-02-2025

Author: Dr. Marta Ferrer (Documentary Filmmaker)

Purpose of EVA:

  • Install the third guy wire in the Corner Reflector (Mònica Roca, Mission Specialist).

  • Take images of the solar panel experiment located east of the observatory to check the state of the dust.

  • Map the geologic layers around the MDRS station and collect samples in Marbel Ritual with regular geologic tools (Marina Martínez, Crew geologist).

  • Take images of Marina Martínez (Geologist and Greenhab Officer) collecting samples for one of her projects (Jennifer García, Crew Journalist).

  • Take images of windy landscapes and the EVA’s crew members working for their purposes (Marta Ferrer, Crew documentary filmmaker)

Start time: 09:15

End time: 12:40


First, we went up to the hill next to the station where the reflector is located. Mònica Roca installed the third guy wire, while Marina Martinez collected some geological samples of Butte. Jennifer García made an interview with Mònica Roca about the reflector.

After that, we took the images of the solar panel experiment located east of the observatory to check the attached dust. Later, we walked towards Marble Ritual and we explored this location over a 200 meters radius approximately in the north direction. Marina Martinez collected more geological samples to be studied in the Science Dome.

Marta Ferrer, the documentary filmmaker, took images of the landscapes around and the crew working and exploring.

Destination: MDRS station, Marble Ritual

Coordinates: 425100 N, 518700 E

EVA Participants: Mònica Roca (Crew Engineer), Jenny Garcia (Crew Journalist), Marina Martínez (Geologist and Greenhab Officer), and Marta Ferrer (Documentary Filmmaker).

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: No Rovers

Mode of travel: walking

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