Crew 310 Sol Summary Report 05-02-2025
Sol: 3
Summary Title: Enjoying the SpaceTatouille cuisine
Author’s name: Ariadna Farres, Commander
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary:
The morning started with an early and challenging EVA, the goal was to finish the installation of the corner reflector. The EVA team was composed by Ariadna Farres (Commander), Monica Roca i Aparici (Mission Specialist), Helena Arias (Engineer) and Marta Ferrer (Filmmaker). During the first part of the EVA they managed to detect the parts where to install the pegs for the guy wires to stabilize the reflector. The wires were too long and they decided they would resize them later. They then proceed to move the three reflecting mirrors, from the RAM to the patch where the corner reflector is being installed. Putting them all together was a challenge, but they managed to do that successfully. The final piece was to install the GNSS antenna in the middle of the corner reflector. Around 12:00 pm the crew returned to the house.
The crew that stayed inside the main hab, did their daily 30 min routine and worked on their respective research projects.
The afternoon EVA was led by Marina Matinez (Geologist) who went on a geological field trip to Valles Marineris. Anna Back (resident artist) and Estel Blay (Health and Safety Officer) joined Marina on this EVA. Jennifer Garcia (Journalist) was supposed to join them, but she was feeling tired and stayed in the main Hab. Marina managed to collect a lot of samples that she will start analysing tomorrow.
Today was also a very special day for the crew, since they enjoyed the meal designed by the winners of the International Challenge organized by Space Faculty from Singapore. The winners were SpaceTatouille, a group of four amazing kids, ages 8 to 9. They created a complete menu designed for astronauts, including breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, tailored to meet the astronauts’ nutritional needs. The meal was prepared in the US, dehydrated and shipped to the MDRS two weeks ago. This has been a fun experience and we have enjoyed a little of Singapore for lunch.
The crew ended the day planning tomorrow’s EVAs and doing their daily reports. They are looking forward to finishing them soon to be able to enjoy a beef stew and delicious dehydrated spaghetti with meatballs from the SpaceTatouille menu.
Look Ahead Plan: The crew is looking forward to completing the large-scale art project designed by Anna Bach, the artist in residence.
Anomalies in work: Several air leaks on the upper deck have been detected, creating a cold environment in the loft area.
Weather: Sunny and windy, Temperature 29F / 69F
Crew Physical Status: Nominal
EVA: Crew 310 conducted two EVAs. The goal of the morning EVA was to finish installing the corner reflector, the installation is almost complete, it is only missing the guy wire. The main goal of the afternoon EVA was to collect geological samples around Valles Marineris.
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, EVA request #7 #8, EVA Report #5 #6, Operations Report, GreenHab Report, Journalist Report, Pictures of the Day.
Support Requested: Guidance to find a temporary fix for the air leaks detected in the upper deck loft.
Ariadna Farres Crew Commander