Sol Summary – February 8th

Crew 310 Sol Summary Report 08-02-2025

Sol: 6

Summary Title: The Sun is finally shining on Mars

Author’s name: Ariadna Farres, Commander

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: The crew started with an early EVA, as they wanted to be before 8am around Kissing Camel Ridge to start working on the large-scale artist project. There was a satellite pass at 10:08 am and another at 11:31 am, so the art project needed to be up by 10 am. Estel Blay (HSO), Anna Bach (Artist in Residence), Monica Roca i Aparici (Mission Specialist) and Marta Ferrer (Filmmaker) were in charge of this EVA. Thanks to the low wind, this EVA was a success as they managed to deploy everything on time for the satellite to capture the moment. The crew that stayed in the base was expectant and also cheered when the first satellite passed.

The crew that stayed inside, worked on their respective projects. Marina Martinez (Greenhab Officer and Geologist) analyzed some of the geological samples she has been collecting. Ariadna Farres (Commander and Astronomer) was able to finally observe the Sun from the Musk observatory. Jennifer Garcia (Journalist) and Helena Arias (Engineer) worked on filming some outreach videos for one of the projects.

After enjoying a healthy lunch, the crew swapped places, Estel, Marina, Monica and Marta stayed inside, while Marina, Ariadna, Helena and Jennifer went on an EVA. During the afternoon EVA the crew went back to Kissing Camel Ridge, where the art project had been placed. To avoid problems with possible high wind gusts in the evening they started by removing the large-scale art piece. They then kept exploring the area to collect geological samples.

The crew that stayed inside in the afternoon, kept working on their respective research projects. Estel Blay worked on her solar panel experiment, Mònica Roca stayed inside the RAM preparing things to keep setting up the corner reflector. Anna Bach and Marta Ferrer, where at the science dome where they filmed some videos for several projects.

Once the EVA crew was back in the main Hab, they tried to figure out what might be the problem with the anomalies with LilyGo #7 and #10. After checking that all crew members had returned with their LilyGo and making sure they had eight of them in the main Hab they reported that to Mission Control.

Around 6:30 pm the crew started planning their activities for tomorrow and working on their reports.

Anomalies in work: (1) The air on spacesuit #7 stopped working unexpectedly during the morning EVA, but was able to be reset. (2) LilyGo #7 showed an anomaly in the field, the iMac shows #7 is still outside but we have it physically in the Hab.

Weather: Sunny, Temperature 28 F / 54 F

Crew Physical Status: Nominal

EVA: Crew 310 conducted two EVAs. A morning EVA was to complete the large-scale artist project before crossing Kissing Camel Ridge. An afternoon EVA to take down the large-scale artist project and collect some geological samples around the area.

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, EVA request #12 #13, EVA Report #10 #11, Operations Report, Astronomy Report, GreenHab Report, Journalist Report, Pictures of the Day.

Support Requested: Guidance on how to address the anomalies experienced with spacesuit #7 and LilyGo #7.

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