EVA Report – February 19th

Crew 311 EVA Report 19-02-2025

EVA # 03

Author: Quentin Berlemont, Crew Astronomer

Purpose of EVA: Installation of atmospheric instruments given by ESA and CNRS: MegaArès/Field Mill (Electromagnetic field measures), LOAC (Aerosol counter), Weather Station

Start time: 09:39 AM

End time: 11:54 AM

Narrative: EVA Crew entered the RAM Airlock at 09:39 AM and left the station at 09:44. Robin and Isolde took the Curiosity rover while Quentin walked while pulling the cart; both the rover and the cart were holding the equipment. After a few meters at 09:50 a piece of equipment detached from its mast and Robin went back to the RAM to gather zip ties to reattach it. They arrived to Marble Rituals at 10:00 AM. They went to 38.4080106/-110.788139 (coordinates recovered on the GPS device carried during EVAs) by walking, using the cart to bring the equipment. They left the site at 11:35 AM by rover for Robin and Isolde, by walking for Quentin, and parked the rover, then took pictures of the interior of the reflector at 11:45 AM as requested by mission support. They entered the RAM Airlock at 11:54 AM and EVA ended at 12:00AM.

Destination: Marble Rituals

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 518250 E, 4250750 N

Participants: Quentin Berlemont (EVA leader and Crew Astronomer), Robin Gorius (Crew Engineer), Isolde Louzier-Ricalens (Crew Journalist)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110

Mode of travel: Rover Curiosity and walking

Start battery: 100%
End battery: 94%
Start hours: 296.7
End hours: 297.0

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