Sol 1: « It’s a small step for me, a bigger one for Quentin » –
Author – Isolde Louzier-Ricalens
6:30AM: First awakening in the station. After getting out of bed, the crew already get busy, checking their daily morning tasks. We measure our physiological data for the Core Data experiment, that will allow us to transfer data to the researchers needing them. After that, it’s time to follow our first sport session, animated by Célyan. No time to lose for Crew 311: as soon as finished, we clean ourselves (but with wipes, like in the ISS!), we dress up, and we finally close the door of the station. Let’s go for a busy day!
11:19AM: I just came back from my first EVA, an ExtraVehicular Activity. Meddi, Quentin, Robin and I did our first training. We found the perfect place for the atmospheric instruments: Marble Rituals. We will set them up later during the week. The analog Martian desert looked very vast, such as the sky that overlooked it. I had the honour to step on its ground first, and to pronounce our first words: « it’s a small step for me, a bigger one for Quentin ».
During this time, the rest of the crew did our food inventory.
3:00PM: During the beginning of the afternoon, every crew member goes to their business. Meddi waters the plants, Robin takes inventory of the RAM, whereas Somaya takes the Science Dome’s one, and Quentin takes charge of the solar observatory. Everyone got together then, to setup Somaya, Erin and Célyan for their EVA training.
6:50PM: The afternoon was productive. While some of us were preparing Orbital Architecture experiment, some other were managing the building of supports for our atmospheric instruments. The communication window is approaching, and now the whole crew answer their daily questionnaires.