GreenHab Report – December 2nd

Crew 216 GreenHab Report 02-DEC-19
Crew GreenHab Officer: Michael Ho

Environmental control: Door opened for ventilation at 12.40 pm, closed at 5.10 pm.
Average temperature: 18C
Hours of supplemental light: Automatic system
Daily water usage for crops: 16L
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: nil
Water in Blue Tank – enough
Time(s) of watering for crops: 09.20 am; 4.40 pm.

(Plants introduced since 03/11/2019 till 22/11/2019 please refer to Crew 215 GreenHab Report of 22/11/2019.)

Crew 216:
1 avocado seed in small black pot
1 avocado seed in small black pot
seeded Zucchini in 2 large black pots
seeded Chilli Pepper ‘Shishito’ in 2 2-gallon black pots
seeded Sweet Greenfield Pepper ‘California Wonder’ in 2 2-gallon black pots
seeded Swiss Chard ‘Flamingo Pink’ in 4 2-gallon black pots
transplanted three self-seeded tomato plants in large blue tub transplanted to 2-gallon pots

Vents of heater readjusted back to downward-facing to prevent lower plants from freezing.
All 3xSnow peas and 3xCucumbers were relocated to metal rack, on the same tier as the Rosemary ‘Barbecue’.
The 3xStrawberries were relocated to directly opposite from where they were.

Harvest: None
Support/supplies requested:nil.

Journalist Report – December 2nd

Crew 216 Journalist Report 02-DEC-19
Sol 8
Author: Evgenia Alexandrova

On Mars you have all the time in the world to think through the philosophical questions that you never have time to explore on Earth. Notions like happiness and meaning of life are the most perplexing ones. What comes first? Meaning or happiness? Austrian psychiatrist Viktor Frankl survived concentration camps during the WWII and wrote a book based on his experience. He states that meaning is the crucial thing that drives a human to continue living through a whatever challenge. The faith in ultimate goal, the hidden or obvious sense in life can lead you through the darkest times.

People who will colonize Mars will definitely have a profound sense of meaning. I felt a glimpse of it during the three interviews with the crew members I conducted during the past days. What about MDRS? Is there a meaning in this place? Definitely. But to me, it goes back to happiness. Happiness is meaningful just by itself.

New anonymous poem of the day:

Today we saw amazing things

And felt the wonder that it brings

To feel what it is like in space

But not forget this special place


Commander's Report – December 2nd

Crew 216 Commander Report 02-DEC-2019

Sol: 8

Summary Title: Progress on Projects

Author: Marc Levesque

Crew 216 accomplished one of its main objectives during its mission by reaching the summit of the North Ridge to confirm there is an accessible route to the summit and that it would be an ideal site for a radio repeater. This repeater would be the heart of an enhanced communication system that would allow the Hab to remain in direct radio contact with EVA teams over a much wider area around MDRS, thereby enhancing EVA safety. The second EVA of the day captured some spectacular drone footage of an EVA team walking in Lithe Canyon for Michael’s project and allowed Evgenia to film additional footage to complement what she already has for her project. In a discussion over this evening’s dinner, the only group meal that seems to range from simple to complex, we discussed the optimal size for a crew at MDRS, or on a Mars mission. Six seems to be a magic number, as that size distributes tasks well and maintains beneficial group cohesion. A number smaller would likely be more burdensome on crew members, possibly affecting the completion of their projects; a number larger would make the Hab seem much more crowded.

Research Report – December 2nd

Crew 216 Research Report 2-Dec-2019
Sol 8
Submitted by: Whittle

1) Psych Scale (TAMU IRB2019-1042D) – 3rd stage surveys to take place on Wednesday.

2) Medical Casts – Nothing further to report.

3) In-Situ Fluorescent Mineral Prospecting – Two EVAs requested for Tues 03-Dec-2019.

4) MDRS Mapping – Nothing further to report (awaiting return of map with desired annotations).

5) MDRS Communications – Summited location on North Ridge, found ideal site for communications rebroadcast point. Conducting GIS analysis of view and tracks, considering maintainability and operational considerations for final report.

Sol Summary – December 2nd

Crew 216 Sol Summary Report 02-DEC-19

Sol: 8

Summary Title: Communications and Filming Projects

Author: Marc Levesque

Mission Status: Active

Sol Activity Summary: Two EVAs were conducted in support of ongoing projects. In the morning Rich, Andrew, and Marc climbed to the summit of the North Ridge to confirm and map an accessible route and a location for a possible radio repeater site, both of which were accomplished. In the afternoon, Andrew, Michael, and Evgenia drove to the end of Quarry Road and then proceeded on foot for a short ways into Lithe Canyon for the purpose of capturing drone and documentary film footage.

Look Ahead Plan: Two EVAs are planned in support of Mike’s radioactive mineral project.

Anomalies in work: N/A.

Weather: Clear and cold.

Crew Physical Status: Healthy

EVAs: To North Ridge and Lithe Canyon.

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary Report, Commander Report, Operations Report, GreenHab Report, Journalist Report, Research Report, EVA Report, Astronomy Report, and Photos.
Support Requested: None

Research Report – December 1st

Crew 216 Astronomy Report 01-DEC-19
Crew Astronomer: Michael Ho

Robotic Telescope Requested: none
Objects to be Imaged this Evening: none
Images submitted with this report: nil
Problems Encountered: Waiting for 2 added observations that were requested from MDRS-14 since 25 and 27 Nov to be captured.

Solar Features Observed: None.
Images submitted with this report: nil
Problems Encountered: Nil.

Research Report – December 1st

Crew 216 Research Report 01-DEC-19
Sol 7
Submitted by: Kennedy

1) Psych Scale (TAMU IRB2019-1042D) – 2nd stage evaluations were completed. The final will be done on the last day.

2) Medical Casts – Due to activities in the Hab no work was done on this project today.

3) In-Situ Fluorescent Mineral Prospecting – Planning reconnaissance EVA for Tues 03-Dec-19.

4) MDRS Mapping – Nothing further to report (awaiting return of map with desired annotations).

5) MDRS Communications – New ETA planned for north ridge reconnaissance. A new map with high-level detail was printed. As the last attempt to summit the north ridge for possible comms site was unsuccessful, we have decided to attempt the summit through a weakness in the south ridge.

EVA Report – December 1st

Crew 216 EVA Report 01-DEC-19
EVA # 09
Author: Whittle

Purpose of EVA: EVA footage for Roker film crew filming Crew 216

Start time: 1330
End time: 1515

Narrative: Crew left Hab in Curiosity and Spirit with Justin (Roker crew host) and crew. Arrived at Kissing Camel Ridge. Climbed high point on Kissing Camel Ridge at grid 12 S 0519008 4249540. Collected footage (camera and drone) for the Roker crew. Collected footage with rovers on way back to Hab.

Destination: Kissing Camel Ridge
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 12 S 0519008 4249540.
Participants: Whittle, Kennedy, Ho, Justin + 5 film crew

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:
1) Hab to the point where Kissing Camel Ridge crossed Cow Dung Rd
2) Walked from Cow Dung Rd to the high point at 12 S 0519008 4249540
3) Walked from 12 S 0519008 4249540 back to rovers on Cow Dung Rd
4) Returned to Hab via Cow Dung Rd

Mode of travel: Curiosity, Spirit

Greenhab Report – December 1st

Crew 216 GreenHab Report 01-DEC-19
Crew GreenHab Officer: Michael Ho

Environmental control: Door opened for ventilation at 12.05 pm, closed at 7.50 pm.
Average temperature: 15C
Hours of supplemental light: Automatic system
Daily water usage for crops: 14L
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: nil
Water in Blue Tank – enough
Time(s) of watering for crops: 09.05 am; 4.15 pm.

(Established plants introduced since 03/11/2019 till 22/11/2019 please refer to Crew 215 GreenHab Report of 22/11/2019.)
Crew 216:
1 avocado seed in a small black pot
1 avocado seed in a small black pot
seeded Zucchini in 2 large black pots
seeded Chilli Pepper ‘Shishito’ in 2 2-gallon black pots
seeded Sweet Greenfield Pepper ‘California Wonder’ in 2 2-gallon black pots
seeded Swiss Chard ‘Flamingo Pink’ in 4 2-gallon black pots
transplanted three self-seeded tomato plants in large blue tub transplanted to 2-gallon pots

Adjusted the vents of the heater to blow horizontally instead of downwards. Removed temporary shades for strawberries as a result.
Will also monitor snow peas’ well-being as a result of an adjustment of the vents of the heater.
Harvest: None
Support/supplies requested:nil.

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