Crew 216 GreenHab Report 02-DEC-19
Crew GreenHab Officer: Michael Ho
Environmental control: Door opened for ventilation at 12.40 pm, closed at 5.10 pm.
Average temperature: 18C
Hours of supplemental light: Automatic system
Daily water usage for crops: 16L
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: nil
Water in Blue Tank – enough
Time(s) of watering for crops: 09.20 am; 4.40 pm.
(Plants introduced since 03/11/2019 till 22/11/2019 please refer to Crew 215 GreenHab Report of 22/11/2019.)
Crew 216:
1 avocado seed in small black pot
1 avocado seed in small black pot
seeded Zucchini in 2 large black pots
seeded Chilli Pepper ‘Shishito’ in 2 2-gallon black pots
seeded Sweet Greenfield Pepper ‘California Wonder’ in 2 2-gallon black pots
seeded Swiss Chard ‘Flamingo Pink’ in 4 2-gallon black pots
transplanted three self-seeded tomato plants in large blue tub transplanted to 2-gallon pots
Vents of heater readjusted back to downward-facing to prevent lower plants from freezing.
All 3xSnow peas and 3xCucumbers were relocated to metal rack, on the same tier as the Rosemary ‘Barbecue’.
The 3xStrawberries were relocated to directly opposite from where they were.
Harvest: None
Support/supplies requested:nil.
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