Greenhab Report – April 30th

Crew 211 GreenHab Report – 30-APR-2019

GreenHab Officer: Chloé Peduzzi

Environmental control: Ambient with door open (but we had to close the door when there was rain and to much wind) + fan turned up to 3

Shade cloth: 80%

Average temperatures:

Low: 17°C

High: 35°C

Hours of supplemental light: 0

Daily water usage for crops: 3 gallons + 2 gallons

Water in Blue Tank: 75 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 10:00 + 19:00

Changes to crops: All plants look healthy. Nevertheless the tomato plant of the GreenHab still seems a little stressed (curved leaf), I will water it accordingly over the next couple of days.

Narrative: It was also cooler today, the rain and the wind have helped to decrease the temperature. We have harvested Basil and Tomatoes (from plants brought by our crew) for the dinner.

Harvest: 13.8g Basil + 105g Tomatoes (from plants brought by our crew)

Support/supplies needed: I won’t have enough water for 1 week long, as it was really hot this past week, and I had to water plants accordingly.

Astronomy Report – April 30th

Astronomy Report

Name: Lieffrig Eléonore

Crew: 211
Date: 30 April 2019


Solar Features Observed: Granules, great activity on the surface of the sun but no prominences observed.

Problems Encountered: The tracking system doesn’t work despite the new procedure given by Mr. Detterline. The tracking was set on sideral, therefore we changed it to solar, but the telescope didn’t even move.

Sol Summary – April 30th

Crew 211 Sol 9 Summary Report 30-APR-2019

Sol: 9

Summary Title: Storm over Mars

Author’s name: Carl-Henrik Dahlqvist

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: As we had numerous showers during the night, the morning EVA was unfortunately postponed to the afternoon and then cancelled as the weather deteriorated in the afternoon. We therefore worked all day on our experiments. We had an interesting meeting after the lunch to discuss with the crew journalist some articles of our Martian constitution. The experiment of the Commander and the Vice-Commander are now almost ready for field experiment.

Look Ahead Plan: Depending on the weather, we will try again to do a morning EVA to Kissing Camel and an afternoon EVA to Candor Chasma, as the end of our stay is approaching. We will in parallel work on our respective experiments and hopefully be able to start in the afternoon the field experiments with the cubelanders and the geolocation antennas.

Anomalies in work: No issues.

Weather: Showers, mostly cloudy and very windy

Crew Physical Status: Good

EVA: The EVA has been cancelled due to bad weather.

Reports to be filed: Journalist Report, GreenHab Report, Operations Report, Science Report, EVA Request, Daily Photo Report

Support Requested: None

GreenHab Report – April 29th

Crew 211 GreenHab Report – 29-APR-2019

GreenHab Officer: Chloé Peduzzi

Environmental control: Ambient with door open + fan turned up to 2

Shade cloth: 80%

Average temperatures:

Low: 16°C

High: 37°C

Hours of supplemental light: 0

Daily water usage for crops: 5 gallons

Water in Blue Tank: 80 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 14:00

Changes to crops: All plants look healthy. Nevertheless the tomato plant of the GreenHab still seems a little stressed (curved leaf), I will water it accordingly over the next couple of days. There are more flowers on the Parsley plants, Lettuce (old seed) and even on radish. Cucumber plants grow well.

Narrative: It was cooler today, the rain has helped to decrease the temperature. There was a visit of the PBS in the GreenHab.

Harvest: 6.3g Parsley, 9.8g Basil

Support/supplies needed: I won’t have enough water for 1 week long, as it was really hot this past week, and I had to water plants accordingly.

Science Report – April 29th

Science Report 29 April 2019
Crew 211 – UCL to Mars
Submitted by Science Officer Maxime Bernard

Commander Carl Dahlqvist

All the Hardware is done and tested and all the CubeSat are all mounted.
Only the software still need to be tested.

XO Simon Collignon

Arrive à dessiner en temps réel le tracé d’objets (RTLS: Real Time Location System)

HSO Benjamin Flasse

This morning Benjamin gathered the data from the sleep monitoring he did on one of the crew member.

Right after that, as every morning, he measured everybody’s weight, tension and brain awakeness and all the usual mensurations.
All CFFF, blood pressure and heart rate graph are done.

Crew Astronomer Eleonore Lieffrig

Tried to deal with the Musk observatory and the tracking system
Finished to compute the Brownian motion generator and the Peclet Number.

Crew Engineer Julien Amalaberque

Managed to align two video flux (color and depth) to successfully compute the real time camera position.
Next step will be to find a way to fix it to the drone.

Crew Biologist Chloé Peduzzi

Every spirulina cultures are going to be checked using an axenicity test which will last 3 days and will allow her to know if any contamination happened.

Crew Journalist Nathan Pechon

We had a meeting during which we discussed about the symbol on Mars(flag,..), the religion and thought freedom and finally about the right for informations.

Crew Scientist Maxime Bernard

Still trying to figure out where the statistic counting problem could come from.
Only few muons can be seen.

EVA Report – April 29th

EVA report #8

Date: 29 April 2019 from 9:00 to 12:00 am. But as the PBS crew was there, it was delayed from 10:h30 to 12:30 am.

The purpose of EVA was Mars exploration and collection of soil samples in order to grow plants in a Martian environment for the biologist (Chloé Peduzzi) experiment, but also to show to the PBS team a glimpse of a typical EVA.

Destination: Latitude: 4248000, longitude: 519000 (UTM NAD27 CONUS)

EVA Participants: Chloé Peduzzi (commander of the EVA), Benjamin Flasse (medical officer), Eléonore Lieffrig, Nathan Pechon, Lys Adeola (PBS host)

Roads and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110 south direction for about 1.5 miles.

Mode of travel: Driving and hiking with Spirit and Curiosity (and PBS’s car).

Narrative : After an immersive suit of for Lys, we headed off towards our destination with Spirit, Curiosity and the PBS’s car and drone following us. We managed to take a walk in the planned area, and the EVA commander Chloé Pedduzi harvested some soil samples. After climbing a small hill, we discovered a beautiful Mars-like view. Both the PBS team and us were amazed!

We all hiked in this beautiful landscape and found what seems to be a cavity, we thought that we had just found a shelter ! But after a better and closer looked, we discovered that it was just a small and not big enough cavity.

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