[title Journalist Report – May 1st]
Today was our tenth simulation day. The night was very cold. We woke up at 7:30 am and we had breakfast at 8:00. We try to break the monotony of our routine but the cycle is still there. A part of the crew had to go in EVA at 9 am but the ground was muddy. So the was reported on afternoon.
Before lunch, the crew worked on their experiments. For more informations read scientific report.
At 12 am, Benjamin and Eléonore prepared the lunch. We ate rest of mash potatoes fries. After meal, we wanted to discuss about Nathan’s experience and his martian constitution but Simon, Julien, Carl and Maxime went to EVA at 1 pm.
The first challenge of this EVA was to take the rover Opportunity to Kissing Camel. It went very well since Oppy didn’t show any sign of weakness in the whole round trip. However, it was only use in "Max Range" mode and was driven very gently. Simon would not recommend any kind of excess regarding this rover.Once arrived on the site, they decided to climb carefully the Kissing Camel’s hills and reach the top of one of them. They’ve received an instant reward regarding our efforts with the lovely landscapes Kissing Camel had to offer.
At 4pm, Nathan, Benjamin, Eléonore and Chloé went to EVA to explored Candor Chasma and gathered soil samples. They came back to the station at 6:30pm
After that, we prepared the Cap Com. Each of us is working on his report and is going to send it between 7 to 9 pm. We will eat rice with tomatoes.
Like usual, we will do a crew meeting to speak about the day.
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