Greenhab Report – April 27th

Crew 211 GreenHab Report – 27-APR-2019

GreenHab Officer: Chloé Peduzzi

Environmental control: Ambient with door open + fan turned up to 3

Shade cloth: 80%

Average temperatures:

Low: 14°C
High: 46°C

Hours of supplemental light: 0

Daily water usage for crops: 4 gallons

Water in Blue Tank: 90 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 11:00

Changes to crops: All plants look healthy. Green chard, cucumber (03/20) and romaine lettuce grow very well. Tomatoes (from plants that we brought), carrots and radishes are ready to be harvested. Onion plants are emerging. More flowers are visible on the tomato plant of the GreenHab.

Narrative: Still hot today. No harvest. I’m still watering each morning the bean and tomato seeds of my experiment placed in the GreenHab.

Harvest: None

Support/supplies needed: None

Science Report – April 27th

Science Report 27 April 2019
Crew 211 – UCL to Mars
Submitted by Science Officer Maxime Bernard

1) Commander Carl Dahlqvist

He finished his code yesterday and he still testing it today.

He also tested the hardware side of the main module as well as mounted and tested 4 of the 7 secondary modules.

2) XO Officer

Finishing and testing the trilateration algorithm of his ultra-wide bandwidth system.

3) HSO Officer Benjamin Flasse

Every morning and every evening, the HSO still gather data about the measurements, weight, brain awakeness, tension and pulse of the crew.

He has now enough data to start analyzing his CFFF-cortical arousal graphics.

4) Crew Astronomer Eleonore Lieffrig

Working on the density probability via the Direct Fourier transform method while coding an algorithm that should allow her to verify the non-dependency of the colloidal particles Brownian motion with regards to the gravity.

5) Crew Engineer Julien Amalaberque

He studied the performance and efficiency of simultaneous location and mapping algorithm depending on the resolution of video streams coming from Intel RealSence D435i camera.

6) Crew Biologist Chloé Peduzzi

Spent the day preparing her Petri dish.

7) Crew Journalist Nathan Pechon

We had a new meeting to talk about the value of life on Mars and how to deal with criminality.

He then worked on his own on different law articles that resulted from in what was said the previous talks. He is glad these debates aren’t sterile but on the contrary, very constructive and animated.

8) Crew Scientist Maxime Bernard

Keeping up with the data acquisition. Some issues are already appearing with the counting statistic.

Operations Report – April 27th

Crew 211 Operations Report 27-APR-2019

SOL: 6

Name of person filing report: Julien Amalaberque

Non-nominal systems: nothing to report

Notes on non-nominal systems: nothing to report

Generator (hours run last night): 12:00
On (last night): 6:30 pm
Off (this morning): 6:30 am

Solar— SOC 53 % at 19:11 pm

Diesel Reading – 25 %

Propane Reading – 49 %

Ethanol Free Gasoline – 4 gallons

Water (auxillary tank) – 0 gallons

Water (static tank) – ~150 gallons

Auxillary to Static tank transfer– no

Gallons transferred: No

Water in GreenHab – 90 gallons

Water (loft) – Static to Loft Pump used – yes

Water Meter: 15 gallons

Toilet tank emptied: no

Deimos rover used: no (out of order)
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging:

Sojourner rover used: ASSIGNED TO DIRECTOR, no
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging:

Spirit rover used: yes
Hours: 89.8h
Beginning charge: 100
Ending charge: 44
Currently charging: yes

Opportunity rover used: no (out of order)
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging:

Curiosity rover used: yes
Hours: 91.7h
Beginning charge: 100
Ending charge: 47
Currently charging: yes

i. Notes on rovers: Using an extension cable, rovers can now again be charged directly at the MDRS (not at the RAM but near the Hab).

Reason for use: EVA

ATV Fuel Used: 0 Gals

# Hours the ATVs were Used today: 0

Notes on ATVs: nothing to report

HabCar used and why, where? No

CrewCar used and why, where? No

General notes and comments: Nothing to report

Summary of internet: Nothing to report

Summary of suits and radios: Nothing to report

Summary of Hab operations: Nothing to report

Summary of GreenHab operations: Nothing to report

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Nothing to report

Summary of RAM operations: Nothing to report

Summary of any observatory issues: Nothing to report

Summary of health and safety issues: Nothing to report

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support:

* The levels of diesel and propane are absolutely not moving
* Dr. Rupert brought us the first refill of our food with some flour, rice, cereals.. as well as some medical supplies and we are really thankful.

She indicated that we would receive water soon which is also great news.

[status draft

Today was our sixth simulation day.

We woke up at 7:30 am and had breakfast at 8:00.

Like every morning, Benjamin gathers data about the measurements, weight, brain wakefulness, tension, and pulse of the crew. He now has enough data to start analyzing his CFFF-cortical arousal graphics.

A part of the crew went on EVA at 9 am. Fortunately, we didn’t have problems with the battery of the rovers.

Nathan, Benjamin, and Carl went to a special region to find evidence of ancient life.

We climbed the hill and walked in the canyons. This site is quite far from the station. Unfortunately, despite an intense search of a part of the Special Region, we weren’t able to find any trace of ancient life.

We found the entrance of what seemed to be a grand cavity which can be used as a shelter in case of strong solar winds.

At the same time, we received food and medications from Shannon.

Maxime, Eléonore and Simon worked on their experiences. Julien helped Simon on it. Read scientist report for more information.

At 12 am, Nathan and Carl prepared the lunch. We ate rice with beans.

At 2 pm, Crew worked on the experiences. Everybody’s making good progress on them. Carl, Simon, and Benjamin reviewed applications and selected candidates for the next mission at the MDRS. UCL to Mars will recruit a new crew for next year.

At 6 pm, we prepared the Cap Com. Each of us is working on his report and is going to send it between 7 to 9 pm. After the Cap Com, we will eat together.

As usual, we will have a crew meeting to speak about the day.

EVA Report – April 27th

EVA #6 Report

Author: Benjamin Flasse

Purpose of EVA: Explore the special region in order to search for ancient Martian life

Start time: 09:10 am
End time: 11:20 am

Narrative: We wanted to explore the Special Region in order to find fossils or maybe others evidence of ancient life.

Unfortunately, despite an intense search of a part of the Special Region, we weren’t able to find any trace of ancient life.

Fortunately, on the way back and after climbing an abrupt rise, we found the entrance of what seemed to be a grand cavity!

Hopefully, we could use it as a shelter in case of strong solar winds
Purpose of EVA: Explore the special region in order to search for ancient Martian life

Destination: Special Region
Latitude: 4255600, Longitude: 518000 (UTM NAD27 CONUS)

EVA Participants: Nathan Pechon, Benjamin Flasse (medic), Carl-Henrik Dahlqvist (commander of the EVA).

One crew member was meant to participate but had a hindrance of medical order, nothing important but serious enough to stay in the Hab instead of going on EVA.

Roads and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110 (4 miles towards the North), then we will park on Quarry Road and do the rest of the travel hiking.

Mode of travel: Driving and hiking

Vehicles we used: Spirit and Curiosity

Sol Summary – April 27th

Crew 211 Sol 6 Summary Report 27-APR-2019

Sol: 6

Summary Title: No sign of ancient Martian life

Author’s name: Carl-Henrik Dahlqvist

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: After three attempts, we finally had a successful EVA to Special Region. The rovers worked nominally and we spent one hour in Special region to explore the surrounding and try to find traces of ancient Martian life. Unfortunately, we didn’t find any traces of microbial or more evolved life. After a nice lunch, we all returned to our experiments until the CapCom.

Look Ahead Plan: An EVA is planned in the morning to go to White Rock Canyon on the 1101 and then go back to Cow Dung Road between the Robert’s Rock Garden and Zubrin’s head. We have been there for the first EVA and members of the crew would like to go back to get more soil samples. Half of the crew will stay at the base to work on their experiments. The rest of the day will be devoted to these experiments.

Anomalies in work: No issues.

Weather: Sunny in the morning and partly cloudy and windy in the afternoon.

Crew Physical Status: Good

EVA: Half of the crew managed to get to the Special region for a very nice EVA. After a one hour walk, we didn’t find any trace of ancient Martian life. However, we found a cavity which could be the entrance of a larger underground structure which may provide shelter to the crew. The cavity was not large enough to consider the possibility of creating an underground facility.

Reports to be filed: Journalist Report, GreenHab Report, HSO report, Science Report, Operations Report, EVA report, EVA Request, Daily Photo Report

Support Requested: None

Crew 211 Science Report 25Apr20189

[title Science Report – April 25th]

[category science-report]

Science Report 25 April 2019
Crew 211 – UCL to Mars
Submitted by Science Officer Maxime Bernard

1) Commander Carl Dahlqvist

Working on the software to allow the main module to receive data from the secondary modules.

2) XO Officer

Coding a trilateration algorithm to compute the position of a target from the respective distances from that target to the 3 antennas.

3) HSO Officer Benjamin Flasse

Every morning and every evening, the HSO still gather data about the mensurations, weight, brain awakeness, tension and pulse of the crew.

4) Crew Astronomer Eleonore Lieffrig

Working on the images she got from the remote telescope.
In the meantime she started to work on the Brownian motion operator.

5) Crew Engineer Julien Amalaberque

No major milestone reach for now.

6) Crew Biologist Chloé Peduzzi

She checked the spirulina through the microscope and confirmed it was the right species (Arthrospira Platensis). Moreover, she observed their spiral shape which indicate their healthy state.
She then proceeded to the aeration of all the spirulina culture.

7) Crew Journalist Nathan Pechon

We made a meeting during which he presented us law articles about birth and immigration rights on a martian colony and we had to vote these articles.

8) Crew Scientist Maxime Bernard

He assembled his detector and started the acquisition of data from muon interactions

Sol Summary – April 25th

Good evening Atila,

Please find below the Sol 4 Summary.

Crew 211 Sol 4 Summary Report 25-APR-2019

Sol: 4

Summary Title: Rescuing a Martian

Author’s name: Carl-Henrik Dahlqvist

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: The day started with an EVA to explore the Special Region. Unfortunately the battery level of the Spirit rover decreased to fast so we couldn’t reach the Special region. After a short briefing with the Hab, we decided to explore instead the Galileo road 1104 for about 30 minutes. We then worked on our experiments until the lunch. After a nice lunch altogether, the HSO performed a quick check-up on the crew member who twisted his ankle three days ago. As the ankle was still pretty much swelled, we decided with Dr Rupert that it would be better to see a doctor. We therefore drove the crew car to the Bicknell Health Care center. Fortunately, the ankle was not broken and the crew member should be healed within a week. The rest of the team worked during the afternoon on their respective experiments.

Look Ahead Plan: An EVA is planned in the morning to explore Special Region. Half of the crew will stay at the base to work, as usual, on their experiments. The rest of the day will be devoted to these experiments.

Anomalies in work: No issues.

Weather: Hot, bright and sunny most of the day, but windy in the evening.

Crew Physical Status: Twisted ankle still bloated but should be healed within a week

EVA: The aim of today’s EVA was to explore the Special Region. Unfortunately the battery level of the Spirit rover decreased to fast so we couldn’t reach the Special region. After a short briefing with the Hab, we decided to explore instead the Galileo road 1104 for about 30 minutes.

Reports to be filed: Journalist Report, GreenHab Report , HSO report, Science Report, Operations Report, EVA report, EVA Request, Daily Photo Report

Support Requested: None

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