Title: The total detox
Author: Sonal Baberwal
Good Morning from Mars!
Have you ever spent a day without internet? If yes how was your experience?
Today had been an awesome weather! All we could hear is winds! Feels like we are all alone on Mars as the silence was roaring with the sound of he winds. It has been a cloudy day today with a shower of rains!
Today was a long day as we did not have an EVA due to unsupported weather conditions! The morning started with breakfast and the crew had been working on various things. The crew initially cleaned the upper deck and cooked lunch. This was followed by work in REM and GreenHab. Where Patil (Cosmos) had been taking care of the plants and showering them the daily necessary water as per scheduled! Kunal and Avishek had been working in the REM on the 3D printer setup and assembling and testing of the child rover.
Today we had a detox day without any availability of internet due to weather conditions. I could see sleeping beauties all around (including me) as we had no EVA and internet! This was followed by some games and watching movie which was really fun! Sometimes being away from internet is really healthy for our inner peace.
I feel blessed to be a part of this crew as this crew is not about just being professional. The crew is made up of people who take care of each other and spend quality time together enjoying every moment! Whether it might be working together in lab, or planting new seeds in GreenHab or having food together or getting prepared for the EVA. I believe every moment blessed one! Life is truly about enjoying the present moment with the people who deserve your presence!
This is Sonal Baberwal, HSO and Crew journalist reporting live from the upper deck of the Hab. Looking forward for the next day with lot of hope and enthusiasm.
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