Sol Summary – January 23rd

Crew 203 Sol Summary Report 23-Jan-2019

Sol: 11

Summary Title: Don’t stop me now, (’cause I’m having such a good time)

Author’s name: Oscar Ojeda

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: We started our day as usual with a big breakfast, pancakes, and coffee. Some of our crewmembers, who were scheduled to go on EVA reported not so optimal health status, so we shifted the EVA team. The team got ready and went to the south of the hab, to find a zone filled with evidence of ancient life. While the team that remained in the hab performed some station keeping labors, as well as science. The crew rested in the afternoon after lunch and got ready for reporting. We’ll most likely go early to bed.

Look Ahead Plan: We’re planning for a couple more EVAs during the mission, and to review some of the results on the research.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Clear skies all day long, low-intensity winds.

Crew Physical Status: One crewmember might have had a fever due to a cold, other reported a headache, and another, muscular pain. Other than that, everyone is in good health.

EVA: 1, a team of 3 went to the area West of North Pinto Hills.

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Operations Report, Greenhab Report, Journalist Report, EVA Request, EVA Report, HSO Report Astronomy Report.

Support Requested: HSO suggests Alka-Seltzer type medicine for indigestion. We’d also like to request more tissue paper for the crew members with a cold.


Greenhab Report – January 23rd

Crew 203 Greenhab Report 23-Jan-2019
Greenhab Officer: Hermes Bolivar

Environmental Control:
Cooling w/ ambient air (5 hrs)

40% Shade Cloth on
80% Shade Cloth on

Average Temperatures:
Low: 16.1°C
High: 26.1°C

Hours of Supplemental Light: 5

Daily Water Usage of Crops: 17 gallons

Water in Blue Tank (gallons): 44.3%, 133 Gallons.

Times of Watering for Crops:


Changes to crops: The carrot in mature stage has been harvested.


I Harvest the carrot in mature stage, there are few plants of carrot that need to grow more for harvest, The peas of the experiments has begun to emerge, we have results of the experiments soon.

Harvest: 36 g of carrot.

Support/Supplies Needed: NONE

Journalist Report – January 22nd

Title: One of the best landscapes I’ve seen in my life …

By: Freddy Castaneda

Here we are, the cold of the morning awakens us earlier than expected, the sun still does not appear on the horizon but our day is already beginning. The crew is waiting with some uncertainty for a scheduled visit for today, after 10 strange days on Mars, we will finally see a different face. Our HSO (Crew Scientist) prepares a delicious breakfast, as the best style of our land she surprises us with a heated rice, beans, and eggs, a flavor that has a "Ratatouille effect" in some of us, I have to admit that there is no chance of being at risk for lack of food while she and our commander are in charge of feeding.

As if it were a bad joke, the breakfast of Hermes, our Greenhab Officer, is interrupted with the incoming of our visitors, is one of the few things that can annoy this great adventure partner who has become the soul of the crew. But hey, ultimately it did not matter, there are new faces in the habitat, new voices, this has not happened for 10 days and although it may seem like a short time, believe me, it not like that here; It is a daily situation of supreme simplicity on our planet of origin, however, under the current circumstances we see it as such an event. The reporters have arrived, their kindness meets our hospitality and everything flows well, they seem not to understand how it is possible that we may be living in this hostile environment, alone on this planet.

They will accompany us during our day, document our activity and then share it with their people, from their own perspective but through our eyes. Enchanted with the idea, we invite them to be part of our EVA, scheduled to start before noon. A short tour in the Rovers and we are already in Pooh’s Corner, the first view of the day is provided by the habitat itself, in the distance we can see that "little station”, our home, subjected to the inclement environment, vulnerable in the middle of the desert …

A quick tour and we return to leave our vehicles; we now have to walk to go in search of the highest peak to which we will climb on this magnificent trip. After a long "climb" on a hill with slopes that barely exceed 20% of inclination but that seem like a real wall with our suits on. Finally, the arduous road had a great reward, one of the best landscapes I have seen in my life … silence says it all, we were dumb under such immensity, marveling at the implacable presence of the desert, kilometers, and kilometers of solitude, only we are here. For several minutes we held our breath just to let ourselves be carried away by the sight, it is impossible not to feel the spirituality of the place. Fatigue reminds us that we must continue on our way, although we arrived here in a short period of time now we must return to the safety of the habitat and the way back will not be the same one we came for. Twenty minutes after leaving that view behind we can see our home from a distance, I think it is the first time that we all arrived from an EVA with a big smile drawn on our faces, what a good day.

Our visitors met us at the station and immersed themselves in our daily lives, taking careful note of our jobs. The work is done, the energy returns to our bodies to share a delicious lunch that the girls of our crew have prepared with love, it is late for lunch but this is life on Mars, a final reflection invades me when I answer a short question that that kind visitor makes to each of the crew: why is this mission important for your country? This simple question has been deeply engraved in my mind and now I just hope I can answer it with facts rather than words.

Titulo: Uno de los mejores paisajes que he visto en mi vida…

Por: Freddy Castañeda

Aquí estamos, el frío de la mañana nos despierta antes de lo previsto, el sol aún no asoma en el horizonte pero nuestro día ya comienza. La tripulación espera con algo de incertidumbre una visita programada para hoy, después de 10 extraños días en Marte veremos por fin una cara diferente. Nuestra HSO (Crew Scientist) prepara un delicioso desayuno, al mejor estilo de nuestra tierra nos sorprende con un calentado de arroz, frijoles y huevo, un sabor que tiene “efecto Ratatouille” en varios de nosotros, tengo que reconocer que no existe la más mínima posibilidad de estar en riesgo por falta de comida mientras ella y nuestro comandante estén a cargo de la alimentación. Como si se tratara de una mala broma, el desayuno de Hermes, nuestro Greenhab Officer, se ve interrumpido por la aparición de nuestros visitantes, es una de las pocas cosas que pueden molestar a éste gran compañero de aventura quien se ha convertido en el alma de la tripulación. Pero bueno, en últimas no importó, hay caras nuevas en el hábitat, voces nuevas, esto no ocurría desde hace 10 días y aunque parezca poco tiempo créanme, no lo es aquí; es una situación cotidiana de suprema simpleza en nuestro planeta de origen, sin embargo, bajo las circunstancias actuales lo vemos como todo un acontecimiento. Los reporteros han llegado, su amabilidad se encuentra con nuestra hospitalidad y todo fluye bien, parecen no entender cómo es posible que podamos estar viviendo en este ambiente hostil, solos en éste planeta. Nos acompañaran durante nuestro día, documentaran nuestra actividad para luego compartirla con su gente, desde su propia perspectiva pero a través de nuestros ojos. Encantados con la idea, los invitamos a ser parte de nuestra EVA, programada para comenzar antes del mediodía. Un corto recorrido en los Rovers y ya estamos en Pooh’s Corner, la primera vista del día nos la brinda el propio hábitat, a la distancia se ve aquella “pequeña estación”, nuestro hogar, sometida al inclemente ambiente, vulnerable en la mitad del desierto…

Un rápido recorrido y regresamos para dejar nuestros vehículos, nos disponemos ahora a caminar para ir en búsqueda de la cumbre más alta a la que subiremos en este magnífico viaje. Luego de una larga “escalada” por una colina con pendientes que apenas superan el 20% de inclinación pero que nos parecen un verdadero muro por estar utilizando nuestros trajes. Finalmente, el arduo camino tuvo una gran recompensa, uno de los mejores paisajes que he visto en mi vida… el silencio lo dice todo, quedamos mudos ante tal inmensidad, maravillados con la implacable presencia del desierto, kilómetros y kilómetros de soledad, únicamente nosotros estamos aquí. Por varios minutos sostuvimos el aliento tan solo para dejarnos llevar por la vista, es imposible no sentir la espiritualidad del lugar. El cansancio nos recuerda que debemos continuar nuestro camino, si bien llegamos hasta aquí en un corto periodo de tiempo ahora debemos regresar a la seguridad del hábitat y el camino de regreso no será el mismo por el que vinimos. 20 minutos después de dejar aquella vista atrás ya podemos ver a la distancia nuestro hogar, creo que es la primera vez que todos llegamos de una EVA con una sonrisa dibujada en nuestras caras, que buen día.

Nuestros visitantes recorren la estación, se sumergen en nuestra cotidianidad y toman atenta nota de nuestro trabajo. La labor está hecha, la energía retorna a nuestros cuerpos al compartir un rico almuerzo que las niñas de nuestra tripulación han preparado con todo cariño, es tarde para almorzar pero así es la vida en Marte, una reflexión final me invade al contestar una corta pregunta que aquel amable visitante nos hace a cada uno de los tripulantes: por qué es importante esta misión para su país? Esta simple pregunta ha quedado profundamente grabada en mi mente y ahora solo espero poder responderla con hechos más que con palabras.

Journalist Report – January 22th

Title: One of the best landscapes I’ve seen in my life …

By: Freddy Castaneda

Here we are, the cold of the morning awakens us earlier than expected, the sun still does not appear on the horizon but our day is already beginning. The crew is waiting with some uncertainty for a scheduled visit for today, after 10 strange days on Mars, we will finally see a different face. Our HSO (Crew Scientist) prepares a delicious breakfast, as the best style of our land she surprises us with a heated rice, beans, and eggs, a flavor that has a "Ratatouille effect" in some of us, I have to admit that there is no chance of being at risk for lack of food while she and our commander are in charge of feeding.

As if it were a bad joke, the breakfast of Hermes, our Greenhab Officer, is interrupted with the incoming of our visitors, is one of the few things that can annoy this great adventure partner who has become the soul of the crew. But hey, ultimately it did not matter, there are new faces in the habitat, new voices, this has not happened for 10 days and although it may seem like a short time, believe me, it not like that here; It is a daily situation of supreme simplicity on our planet of origin, however, under the current circumstances we see it as such an event.

The reporters have arrived, their kindness meets our hospitality and everything flows well, they seem not to understand how it is possible that we may be living in this hostile environment, alone on this planet. They will accompany us during our day, document our activity and then share it with their people, from their own perspective but through our eyes. Enchanted with the idea, we invite them to be part of our EVA, scheduled to start before noon. A short tour in the Rovers and we are already in Pooh’s Corner, the first view of the day is provided by the habitat itself, in the distance we can see that "little station”, our home, subjected to the inclement environment, vulnerable in the middle of the desert …

A quick tour and we return to leave our vehicles; we now have to walk to go in search of the highest peak to which we will climb on this magnificent trip. After a long "climb" on a hill with slopes that barely exceed 20% of inclination but that seem like a real wall with our suits on. Finally, the arduous road had a great reward, one of the best landscapes I have seen in my life … silence says it all, we were dumb under such immensity, marveling at the implacable presence of the desert, kilometers, and kilometers of solitude, only we are here. For several minutes we held our breath just to let ourselves be carried away by the sight, it is impossible not to feel the spirituality of the place.

Fatigue reminds us that we must continue on our way, although we arrived here in a short period of time now we must return to the safety of the habitat and the way back will not be the same one we came for. Twenty minutes after leaving that view behind we can see our home from a distance, I think it is the first time that we all arrived from an EVA with a big smile drawn on our faces, what a good day.

Our visitors met us at the station and immersed themselves in our daily lives, taking careful note of our jobs. The work is done, the energy returns to our bodies to share a delicious lunch that the girls of our crew have prepared with love, it is late for lunch but this is life on Mars, a final reflection invades me when I answer a short question that that kind visitor makes to each of the crew: why is this mission important for your country? This simple question has been deeply engraved in my mind and now I just hope I can answer it with facts rather than words.

Titulo: Uno de los mejores paisajes que he visto en mi vida…

Por: Freddy Castañeda

Aquí estamos, el frío de la mañana nos despierta antes de lo previsto, el sol aún no asoma en el horizonte pero nuestro día ya comienza. La tripulación espera con algo de incertidumbre una visita programada para hoy, después de 10 extraños días en Marte veremos por fin una cara diferente. Nuestra HSO (Crew Scientist) prepara un delicioso desayuno, al mejor estilo de nuestra tierra nos sorprende con un calentado de arroz, frijoles y huevo, un sabor que tiene “efecto Ratatouille” en varios de nosotros, tengo que reconocer que no existe la más mínima posibilidad de estar en riesgo por falta de comida mientras ella y nuestro comandante estén a cargo de la alimentación. Como si se tratara de una mala broma, el desayuno de Hermes, nuestro Greenhab Officer, se ve interrumpido por la aparición de nuestros visitantes, es una de las pocas cosas que pueden molestar a éste gran compañero de aventura quien se ha convertido en el alma de la tripulación. Pero bueno, en últimas no importó, hay caras nuevas en el hábitat, voces nuevas, esto no ocurría desde hace 10 días y aunque parezca poco tiempo créanme, no lo es aquí; es una situación cotidiana de suprema simpleza en nuestro planeta de origen, sin embargo, bajo las circunstancias actuales lo vemos como todo un acontecimiento. Los reporteros han llegado, su amabilidad se encuentra con nuestra hospitalidad y todo fluye bien, parecen no entender cómo es posible que podamos estar viviendo en este ambiente hostil, solos en éste planeta. Nos acompañaran durante nuestro día, documentaran nuestra actividad para luego compartirla con su gente, desde su propia perspectiva pero a través de nuestros ojos. Encantados con la idea, los invitamos a ser parte de nuestra EVA, programada para comenzar antes del mediodía. Un corto recorrido en los Rovers y ya estamos en Pooh’s Corner, la primera vista del día nos la brinda el propio hábitat, a la distancia se ve aquella “pequeña estación”, nuestro hogar, sometida al inclemente ambiente, vulnerable en la mitad del desierto…

Un rápido recorrido y regresamos para dejar nuestros vehículos, nos disponemos ahora a caminar para ir en búsqueda de la cumbre más alta a la que subiremos en este magnífico viaje. Luego de una larga “escalada” por una colina con pendientes que apenas superan el 20% de inclinación pero que nos parecen un verdadero muro por estar utilizando nuestros trajes. Finalmente, el arduo camino tuvo una gran recompensa, uno de los mejores paisajes que he visto en mi vida… el silencio lo dice todo, quedamos mudos ante tal inmensidad, maravillados con la implacable presencia del desierto, kilómetros y kilómetros de soledad, únicamente nosotros estamos aquí. Por varios minutos sostuvimos el aliento tan solo para dejarnos llevar por la vista, es imposible no sentir la espiritualidad del lugar. El cansancio nos recuerda que debemos continuar nuestro camino, si bien llegamos hasta aquí en un corto periodo de tiempo ahora debemos regresar a la seguridad del hábitat y el camino de regreso no será el mismo por el que vinimos. 20 minutos después de dejar aquella vista atrás ya podemos ver a la distancia nuestro hogar, creo que es la primera vez que todos llegamos de una EVA con una sonrisa dibujada en nuestras caras, que buen día.

Nuestros visitantes recorren la estación, se sumergen en nuestra cotidianidad y toman atenta nota de nuestro trabajo. La labor está hecha, la energía retorna a nuestros cuerpos al compartir un rico almuerzo que las niñas de nuestra tripulación han preparado con todo cariño, es tarde para almorzar pero así es la vida en Marte, una reflexión final me invade al contestar una corta pregunta que aquel amable visitante nos hace a cada uno de los tripulantes: por qué es importante esta misión para su país? Esta simple pregunta ha quedado profundamente grabada en mi mente y ahora solo espero poder responderla con hechos más que con palabras.

Operations Report – January 22nd

Crew 203 Operations Report 22-JAN-2019

SOL: 10

Name of person filing report: Freddy Castaneda

Non-nominal systems: Nothing new to report.

Notes on non-nominal systems: None

Generator (hours run): 9hr 30min; Turned on last night (21Jan2019) at 17:40; Stopped this morning (22Jan2019) at 3:10; Turned on tonight (22Jan2019) at 16:50

Solar SOC – Turned on (21Jan2019) 86%; Turned off (22Jan2019) 100%; Turned on (22Jan2019) 83%

Diesel Reading – Under 1/2 tank.

Propane Reading – About 19%

Ethanol Free Gasoline – Nothing to report.

Water (auxiliary tank) – Not in use.

Water (static tank) – About 35%; 190 gallons

Auxiliary to Static tank transfer – No

Gallons transferred: Not applicable

Water in GreenHab – About 49%; 147 gallons

Water (loft) – At level marker 12

Static to Loft Pump used – Yes; At 18:40 to refill tank

Water Meter: 01403746

Toilet tank emptied: No.

Deimos rover used: No, still not functional

Hours: Not applicable

Beginning charge: Not applicable

Ending charge: Not applicable

Currently charging: Not applicable

Sojourner rover used: ASSIGNED TO DIRECTOR

Hours: Not applicable

Beginning charge: Not applicable

Ending charge: Not applicable

Currently charging: Not applicable

Spirit rover used: Used for EVA to Pooh´s Corner.

Hours: 69.7

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 86%

Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: Used for EVA to Pooh´s Corner.

Hours: 46.2

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 84%

Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: Used for EVA to Pooh´s Corner.

Hours: 71.6

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 95%

Currently charging: Yes

Notes on rovers: Brakes on Opportunity still not working properly.

ATV’s Used: None (Honda, 300, 350.1, 350.2, 350.3)

Reason for use: None

Oil Added? No

ATV Fuel Used: None

# Hours the ATVs were Used today: None

Notes on ATVs: None

HabCar used and why, where? Not used.

CrewCar used and why, where? Off campus

General notes and comments: Nothing to report.

Summary of internet: Nothing to report.

Summary of suits and radios: Suit #3 still pending for review.

Summary of Hab operations: Nothing to report.

Summary of GreenHab operations: Nothing to report.

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Nothing to report.

Summary of RAM operations: Nothing to report.

Summary of any observatory issues: Nothing to report.

Summary of health and safety issues: Nothing to report.

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: Nothing to report.

EVA Report – January 22nd

EVA # 6

Author: David Mateus

Purpose of EVA:

Show EVA protocols and part of MDRS to the journalist Sole Moller and his photographer Noel Spirandelli

Start time:

End time:


The purpose of this EVA was to show our EVA protocols and the most beautiful views of MDRS, so we decided to go to pooh´s corner with rovers and climb one of the hills. After Noel took a lot of pictures we came back to the hab, We parked the rovers at the hab and Oscar had to change his space suit.

Then we walked to Hab Ridge

Destination: we are going to Pooh´s Corner and after Hab Ridge (walking)

Coordinates: 517600 E, 425000 N and 518800 E ,425850 N

David Mateus, Oscar Ojeda, Freddy Castañeda, Hermes Bolívar, Sole Moller and Noel Spirandelli

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: To get to Pooh´s Corner we are going to take the Cow Dung Road 0110 to the north to get to that corner and Walking to Hab Ridge .

Mode of travel: Walking and Driving

Vehicles used: Spirit, Curiosity and Opportunity

Greenhab Report – January 22nd

Crew 203 Greenhab Report 22-Jan-2019
Greenhab Officer:
Hermes Bolivar

Environmental Control:
Cooling w/ ambient air (3 hrs)

40% Shade Cloth on
80% Shade Cloth on

Average Temperatures:
Low: 16.7°C
High: 33.2°C

Hours of Supplemental Light:

Daily Water Usage of Crops:
15 gallons

Water in Blue Tank (gallons):
50%, 150 Gallons.

Times of Watering for Crops:


Changes to crops:

* There are two trays available for culture.


I Harvest baby greens and carrot, after the harvest of baby greens and the microgreeens two days ago, i have two trays for culture in the next days.


* 119 g of carrot.
* 109 g of baby greens.

Support/Supplies Needed:


Sol Summary – January 22nd

Sol: 10 (I can´t believe how fast time passes)

Summary Title: Greetings Martians, we come in peace

Author’s name: Oscar Ojeda

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: The day began with the long expected visit of Sole Moller and Noel Spirandelli, Journalist and Photographer respectively, who came to document our life on the red planet. We had breakfast before they arrived, greeted them with some coffee and then we began a tour of the station. We then got ready for a short EVA, that took us to a wonderful location, really close to the hab, the Hab Ridge, (So, if you are reading this, I STRONGLY recommend to go there in one of the EVAs). We spend our time doing some recognition of the zone, telling them about the science that is done, and keeping up with our lives on the station. We had a martian lunch with them, and after finishing what was left of the station to be seen, they returned to Earth, and we returned to our mission. We’ll hopefully have at last the movie night Morpheus hasn’t let us have.

Look Ahead Plan: We’re expecting to review some unexpected results on some experiments, to continue with the science, and to do more EVAs to the amazing places we are surrounded by. Entering the 4th quart of the mission, our minds are starting to return home, just a bit ahead of us.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Clear skies all day long, low to moderate intensity winds.

Crew Physical Status: In good health.

EVA: 1, a team of 4 + 2 journalists went to the Hab Ridge and Pooh’s Corner

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Operations Report, Greenhab Report, Journalist Report, EVA Request, EVA Report.

Support Requested: None

Operations Report – January 21st

Crew 203 Operations Report 21-JAN-2019

SOL: 9

Name of person filing report: Freddy Castaneda

Non-nominal systems: Nothing new to report.

Notes on non-nominal systems: None

Generator (hours run): 5hr 00min; Turned on last night (20Jan2019) at 17:40; Turned off about 20:40; It was shuted down all night long; This morning (21Jan2019) it was Turned On from 9:00 to 11:00, it was running nominally. At 14:00 the SOC was almost 60%, it was a pretty cloudy day with some snow shower, so the Generator was turned On. It ran for 2 hours and the SOC display was 100%. It wasTurned On again tonight (21Jan2019) at 17:40 and is running nominally.

Solar SOC – Turned on (20Jan2019) 85%; Turned off (21Jan2019) 50%; Turned on (21Jan2019) 86%

Diesel Reading – Still going under 1/2 tank.

Propane Reading – Almost 20%

Ethanol Free Gasoline – Nothing to report.

Water (auxiliary tank) – Not in use.

Water (static tank) – About 40%; 215 gallons

Auxiliary to Static tank transfer – No

Gallons transferred: Not applicable

Water in GreenHab – Over 49%; 162 gallons

Water (loft) – At level marker 12

Static to Loft Pump used – Yes; At 18:30 to refill tank

Water Meter: 01403355

Toilet tank emptied: No.

Deimos rover used: No, still not functional

Hours: Not applicable

Beginning charge: Not applicable

Ending charge: Not applicable

Currently charging: Not applicable

Sojourner rover used: ASSIGNED TO DIRECTOR

Hours: Not applicable

Beginning charge: Not applicable

Ending charge: Not applicable

Currently charging: Not applicable

Spirit rover used: Used for EVA to the Moons.

Hours: 69.6

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 38%

Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: Used to test brakes.

Hours: 46.0

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 100%

Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: Used for EVA to the Moons.

Hours: 71.5

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 68%

Currently charging: Yes

Notes on rovers: Brakes on Opportunity still not working properly.

ATV’s Used: None (Honda, 300, 350.1, 350.2, 350.3)

Reason for use: None

Oil Added? No

ATV Fuel Used: None

# Hours the ATVs were Used today: None

Notes on ATVs: None

HabCar used and why, where? Not used.

CrewCar used and why, where? Off campus

General notes and comments: Nothing to report.

Summary of internet: Nothing to report.

Summary of suits and radios: Suit #3 still pending for review. Suit #11 quit during EVA. Currently charging.

Summary of Hab operations: Today we realized that half of the toilet paper provided is actually kitchen towels. 🙁

Summary of GreenHab operations: Nothing to report.

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Nothing to report.

Summary of RAM operations: Nothing to report.

Summary of any observatory issues: Nothing to report.

Summary of health and safety issues: Nothing to report.

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: Nothing to report.

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