Dear MS,
This is our EVA Report from today. Thank you
EVA #4
Author: Carlos Mariscal, XO
Purpose of EVA:
1.- For the “Behaviour of Artificial Vision algorithms for Autonomous Navigation” project, the purpose is to take as many pictures as possible (at least 100) of different terrains. The purpose of the pictures is to use them to train artificial vision algorithms for pattern recognition (color, size and shape). In order to get a good algorithm training, it is necessary to get pictures of terrains with high rock formations, medium rocks and planitia, as well of different red-ish tones.
Tools required: 2 webcams, cannon camera, laptop.
2.- For the “Martian Soil Analysis for usage on Greenhab” project, the purpose is to collect the first soil samples from different locations to prepare initial organic material mixes. This will serve as a starting point to validate soil mixes.
Start time: 11:15 h (15 min delay)
End time: 13:15 h
Today we were all really excited of doing the first EVA for experiments, four of us suited up (with the help of the other crew members, of course). At 11:15 (with a small delay), we left the hab and started the ride to our destination. Once we arrived at junction of Galileo Road and Cactus Road, we realized that Cactus Rd is not a way for rovers, so we had to continue by walk. Because of the time originally planned for the EVA and the distance to the destination, we could only get to our first location and the nearby of Cactus Rd.
The purpose of the activity was successfully achieved, since the GreenHab Officer got three really generous and different soil samples and the XO got some amazing pics for his artificial vision experiment, besides the landscape and team pics, which are pretty awesome too.
The walk back to the rovers taught us to better estimate the clothes we have to use under the suits… we were exhausted, but so happy to have achieved our goals and get back home to have some delicious pasta!
Destination: Nearby of Galileo Road, Cactus Road
Target locations:
N 4252233.867, E 519641.711
N 4252238.317, E 521387.643
N 3586606.658, E 523036.484
Actual locations achieved:
N 4252233.867, E 519641.711
N 4252219.69, E 479921.76
Participants: 4 participants
Tania Robles – Commander
Carlos Mariscal – XO
Genaro Grajeda – HSO
Walter Calles – GreenHab Officer
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Road 1103, then Galileo Road 1104 until Cactus Road 1104, at that point the crew members walked to destination.
Mode of travel: Driving, using Curiosity and Opportunity rovers.
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