Hi Mission Support,
Crew 202 EVA Report 04-JAN-2019
EVA #5
Author: Ellen Czaplinski
Purpose of EVA: To collect various geological samples and measure
radiation in several locations
Start time: 10:42
End time: 1:40
Narrative: Today’s EVA had a unique start, as our crew journalist
conducted a “20 questions” interview with the crew geologist while we
were putting on flight suits and heading out to the rovers. Our first
destination was Greenstone Road, which was a great place to collect
sand samples for our geology research project. This area was full of
loose sand, ripples, and sandstone. Two samples were collected here,
and we also took their spectra in situ using the TREK portable
spectrometer. We also took radiation measurements of this environment.
The next stop was SE of Kissing Camel Range (between Greenstone Rd and
Kissing Camel Range), north of our first stop. No geological samples
were taken here, but our crew commander took radiation measurements.
Our last stop of the EVA was on the north side of Kissing Camel Range,
west of Cow Dung Road. Using the rock hammer, we knocked off parts of
the Quaternary-aged boulders that had fallen from the top of the
range. Parts on the inside of these rocks resembled green, volcanic
minerals, similar to ones collected from EVA #4. The field spectra of
this sample was indeed different from the clays and shales nearby.
Further west at this site, we walked up a dried gulley and collected
three more samples here. Measuring these samples’ spectra revealed
more shale and gypsum combined with another mineral that will be
determined through more analysis of the spectra.
Destination: Greenstone Road, Kissing Camel Range
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): E520200, N4248700
Participants: Cesare Guariniello (CMD), Ellen Czaplinski (GEO), Jake Qiu (HSO)
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Drive on Cow Dung Road, then walk
along Greenstone road
Mode of travel: Curiosity and Spirit rovers, walking
Best regards and hope you’re having a good time being assistant director!
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