Commander, PHEnOM Gold Crew, MDRS #193
Mission Sol 1 (Earth Day April 23rd, 2018)
We arrived on Mars very early in the morning, well rested and brimming with excitement to explore the red planet and begin our research.
After a few hours of settling down, we started the day off with an EVA.
A task given to us by Mission Control was to scout for locations suitable for the crew to take shelter in during emergencies like dust storms, radiation storm or incapacitated crew member. Both our morning and afternoon EVAs focused on this task.
We had freshly baked banana bread and chicken noodle soup for lunch. Yes, I have been experimenting with my culinary skills on Mars and its been challenging to cook using the dehydrated items available, but for a person who loves cooking its been fun experimenting.
Our afternoon EVA got interesting when we were informed by base of a request from Mission Support to rescue the astronomer in the observatory. After rescuing him and making sure he was safe, we returned to our next EVA task of fixing and putting up the signpost for the site that had been blown away during the storms in the past couple of weeks. Kudos to our Crew Engineer, whose engineering skills and muscle power made this task seem easier after a three and a half hour!
The Crew Engineer and me plan on constructing and designing a new signpost for the MDRS site bringing his engineering and my artistic skills together.
The crew has been doing well and is looking forward to the next few days with great enthusiasm. Spirits are high and passion great for this mission. We plan to tidy up the hab, continue work on our projects and EVA’s and contribute to valuable research that will lead up to Martian colonization in the near future.
Signing off for the day!
Have a great one Mission Support!
Warm Regards
Commander, PHEnOM Gold Crew, MDRS #193
(Anima Patil-Sabale)
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