Joseph Dituri
17 Apr 18
Title: Just realized I did not file my taxes…ooops (a la Apollo 13) …;*)
Today started with a training and discussion on operational risk management. We use this at every turn before any evolution. We then proceeded to explore south by ATV. Prior to leaving we policed some wind blown scraps from around the HAB and secured them and the final skirt removal pieces on the Mars Society trailer. Upon return the team cleared and cleaned the tank in the RAM with hydrogen peroxide and final wipe with alcohol. When doc gives us go ahead we will return the tank to Mars Society’s trailer and call that cleaning task complete. Likely Wednesday.
Left over peanut butter cookies and dehydrated milk were a big hit upon return along with hot chocolate for the weary EVA goers who worked very hard.
Afternoon EVA explored the northen side of Lowell road up to 1572. There is no sign for road 1572 (route sign is blank) so we missed it. Came back to it and explored east side which is the redest area we have seen to date. We could see some more exciting exploration to the south so we moved south and climbed into east side of Lowell road by Tank wash which was fabulous exploration.
Macaroni and cheese for dinner and we have a great day in total.
IMPRESSED: I was impressed with the doctor’s knowledge and research when it came to decontaminating the water tank. Ashok (Blue 03) was on the spot when it came to rehab of the tank. BZ doc!
LEARNED: We need to schedule science/training in mid day gaps. More of a plan helps the crew pass time since we are short on science. See POA&M
POA&M: Intend to continue exploration of our northern areas tomorrow.
Training scheduled:
1. Psychology and crew selection – Doc and Commander
2. Suborbital mission profile – Rich Blakeman
3. Social Media – Victoria
~ Dituri sends
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