Photo-of-the-day: 263-26Feb2022-4.jpg
"Nicolas and Mathéo in front of the Mega-Ares (local electric field measurer) device in the RAM"
Photo-of-the-day: 263-26Feb2022-4.jpg
"Nicolas and Mathéo in front of the Mega-Ares (local electric field measurer) device in the RAM"
Good evening Mission Support,
Please find attached the daily pictures, the picture of the day is the aerial picture.
Kind regards,
Mathéo and the Crew 263
Here are the daily pictures. The picture of the day is the one of Elena, our GreenHab officer, in front of the empty GreenHab.
Nicolas (crew journalist)
Photo-of-the-day: 263-23Feb2022-1
We’re so, so sorry we’ve been keeping you awake for so long, and I don’t
understand how you’re brave enough to stay up at these hours to stay
with us, let alone go through the overtime we’re forcing you through.
We’re gonna have just one picture for today, the one taken as we left.
We had a couple more but I’m not gonna go through the extra time of
working on them for a long time just so we can have them. I’m sure as
this is our last day the rest of mission support will be understanding.
Thank you again,
Clément, Crew 240
[title Crew Photos – February 14th]
Hello CapCom,
Here are today’s pictures!
[title Crew Photos – February 17th]
Hello Mission Support, CapCom,
Sorry for the belated pictures. When days are very busy, you end up with
either a lot of pictures, or very few. This was closer to the latter,
but we managed to put together quite a few drone-related pictures for today!
Photo-of-the-day: Crew 240 Picture of the Day 16Feb2022.jpg
It’s a "mauve rock on a dark green background"
Quiet days often end with little in the way of pictures. Today we have a
picture of our EVA taken from inside the Hab, a couple astronomy-related
ones, the unforgettable hamburger and lastly, our mascot, there to
remind us of an original member of the crew who couldn’t come here with
us in the end.
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