Sending a few pictures from today’s Sol. Picture of the day is "galileo road driving back home.jpg"
Inga Popovaitė,
Sending a few pictures from today’s Sol. Picture of the day is "galileo road driving back home.jpg"
Inga Popovaitė,
Attached are our photos today.
Our photo of the day is 4251912 518799 dramatic clouds.JPG.
Here are our pictures from today! The photo of the day is "4249269 518369 the encounter.jpg"
Thank you!!
Inga Popovaitė,
Mission control,
Here are crew photos from today. Photo of the day is " 4249269 518369 dave walking on mars.jpg".
Have a good Saturday night on Earth!!
Inga Popovaitė,
Here are the pictures of sol3 ! crew228_sol3_1 is the picture of the day.
Dear Graeme:
We are sending 7 Sol 1 photos (see attached). The first photo (crew228sol1_1.JPG) is our "photo of the day". Please kindly let us know if this format works for you!
Thanks again!…
Kind regards,
Photo of the day: 519700,4247300 KrystaSampleCollection.jpg
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