Crew 286 GreenHab Report 20-11-2023
SOL: 8
GreenHab Officer: Donald "Duckie" Jacques
Environmental control: heater on, fan off, door closed
Average temperatures: 75 F at 9 am, 95 F at 10:30, 70 F at 5 pm
Hours of supplemental light: 1, to test timer operation from 6-7 pm
Daily water usage for crops: 3
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 0
Water in Blue Tank (200 gallon capacity): 164.6 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 5 pm
Changes to crops: None
Narrative: Supplemental Light and timer check was successful. Timer is engaged, but I have unplugged the light.
Harvest: None
Support/supplies needed:
Question 1: Is there a specific schedule for the timer that should be set?
Question 2: Dr Rupert, you referred to "Vics" in your instructions. Could you clarify the term and what it refers to, please?
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