GreenHab Report – April 22nd

Crew 280 Green Hab Report 22-04-2023

GreenHab Officer: Laia Ribas

Environmental control: Open during the day and heater during the night

Temperatures: 80.5 F

Hours of supplemental light: N/A

Daily water usage for crops: 14 gallons

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 0

Water in Blue Tank: 117 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 08.00, 16:30 h

Changes to crops: N/A

The general watering of plants and crops was done. The door was opened in the morning due to high temperatures and closed during the afternoon due to the wind.

Harvest: 234 g cucumber, 112 g tomatoes, 4 g chives, 15 g jazz mix, 1 g salvia and 8 g mint

Support/supplies needed

GreenHab Report – April 21th

Crew 280 GreenHab Report 21Apr2023
GreenHab Officer: Laia Ribas

Environmental control: Open during the day and heater during the night

Temperatures: 73.5F

Hours of supplemental light: N/A

Daily water usage for crops: 14 gallons

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 1

Water in Blue Tank: 131 gallon

Time(s) of watering for crops: 09.30, 17:30 h

Changes to crops: N/A.

The general watering of plants and crops was done. The door was open the whole day with high temperatures and no wind. Neus Sabaté has taken 200gr of soil from Green Hab wheelbarrow to grow seeds for her Martian Batteries experiment at the Science Dome. One tomato plant has been moved where most of the others as during the night, the heater wind went directly to it.
The floor has been swept.

Harvest: 289 g cucumber (1 piece), 36 g micro greens, 163 g tomatoes, 1 g chives, 27g jazz mix, 1g salvia, and 1g thyme

Support/supplies needed

GreenHab Report – April 20th

Crew 280 Green Hab Report 20-04-2023

GreenHab Officer: Laia Ribas

Environmental control: Open during the day and heater during the night

Temperatures: 77.8 F

Hours of supplemental light: N/A

Daily water usage for crops: 12 gallons

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: N/A

Water in Blue Tank: 146 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 10.00, 17:00 h

Changes to crops: N/A.

As usual, the general watering of plants and crops was done today. In the morning the door was open as it was not windy. In the afternoon the door was closed due to the wind.

Harvest: 21 g micro greens, 3 g mint, 116 g red tomatoes, 23 g yellow tomatoes

Support/supplies needed

GreenHab Report – April 19th

Crew 280 GreenHab Report 20-04-2023
GreenHab Officer: Laia Ribas

Environmental control: Open during the day and heater during the night

Temperatures: 68.4 F

Hours of supplemental light: N/A

Daily water usage for crops: 9.5 gallons

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 1.5 gallons (Scientific Dome)

Water in Blue Tank: 158 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 10.30, 17:45 h

Changes to crops: those dried leaves of tomato plants have been removed. Sticks have been added to two tomato plants. The tomato plant next to the door has been moved to another place to be protected from the wind because the plant looked not happy.

General watering of plants and crops was done today. There was wind and the temperature was not high, therefore the door was closed the whole day. Salad seeds for the crew have been cropped.

Harvest: 118 g yellow and 145 red tomatoes, respectively and 3 g of mint

Support/supplies needed

GreenHab Report – April 18th

Crew 280 GreenHab Report 18-04-2023

GreenHab Officer: Laia Ribas

Environmental control: Open during the day and heater during the night

Temperatures: 81.4 F

Hours of supplemental light: N/A

Daily water usage for crops: 14 gallons

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 0.25 gallons

Water in Blue Tank: 169 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 08:30, 17:00 h

Changes to crops: seed tomatoes are cultured

General watering of plants and crops was done today. There was high wind therefore the door was closed almost the whole day. Two experiments have started.

1- Tomatosphere
Principal investigator (PI) researcher: Ari Farrés
Supervision: Laia Ribas
Procedure: Two sets of tomato seeds have been planted. The first set (control) has always been on Earth, and the second set has experienced different radiation exposure, as they have spent some time in outer space. The goal of the experiment is to compare the growth of the two sets of seeds and see if we are able to determine which ones have been in space. We currently do not know which of the two sets has been in space.

2. Seeding for the crew
Principal investigator (PI) researcher: Laia Ribas
Procedure: The aim of the project is to provide fresh food to the crew. A total of 75 g of three bean Mix Nature Jim’s Sprouts have been cultured. For 5 hours the seeds were watered. Following that, the water was discarded and the seeds were cultured in wet tissue paper in a plastic box half covered.

Harvest: 190 g cucumber

Support/supplies needed:
I would like to get instructions on what is the best procedure to follow if there is a windy day with high temperatures as the door can not be properly subjected within the current format.
I noticed that the two thermometers of the Greenhab are not in concordance.

GreenHab Report – April 17th

Crew 280 GreenHub Report 17-04-2023

GreenHab Officer: Laia Ribas

Environmental control: Open during day and heater during night

Average temperatures: 78.8 F – 87.7 F

Hours of supplemental light: N/A

Daily water usage for crops: 13 gallons

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 0.5 gallons for fish purposes

Water in Blue Tank: 183 gallons (crops and fish)

Time(s) of watering for crops: 09:30, 20:00

Changes to crops: seed tomatoes are cultured

General watering of plants and crops was done today. The sun was very intense today, in particular at noon time. The door was left open all day and closed in the evening. The plants have been watered again in the evening at 20.00..

9 adult zebrafish (Danio rerio; 5 wild and 4 transgenics) adults were obtained from a pet store in Grand Junction (Colorado, USA) J&M Aquatics & Pet Center. Fish were transported to MDRS and reared in a tank (30 L) with Hub water at SOL 0. Fish were acclimated by mixing the water. Fish were not fed. The fish were acclimated from SOL0 to SOL1 by periodically increasing the amount of water and adding the water filter to reduce the stress. In order to reduce the water used, less than half of the tank was filled. The water filter was set at 10.30 and the fish were fed. All animals ate except one transgenic which did not look healthy. For ethical reasons, this animal was sacrificed by cold shock for 10 min. At 17.00 all fish were found dead due to the high temperature in the tank. The tank water exceeds 98.6F. Fish were kept in the freezer.

Harvest: 1 g of two branches of thyme and eight leaves of sage, 114 g microgreens, 56 g cherry tomatoes

Support/supplies needed:
We request help to provide new zebrafish (see SOL1 summary).

GreenHab Report – April 14th

Crew 279 GreenHab Report 14-04-2023

GreenHab Officer: Augustin Tribolet

Environmental control: Open during day and heater during night

Average temperatures: 80.3 F

Hours of supplemental light: N/A

Daily water usage for crops: 16.9 gallons

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: N/A

Water in Blue Tank: 87.1 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 07:15, 14:30, 20:00

Changes to crops: N/A

Narrative: As usual, general watering of plants and crops was done today. The sun was intense today, the door was then left open in the afternoon. The plants have been watered again in the evening with 4.2 gallons. Some zucchini and tomatoes have been harvested. The GreenHab has been swept away in the afternoon.

Harvest: N/A

Harvest: 284 g tomatoes, 994 g cucumber

Support/supplies needed: N/A

GreenHab Report – April 13th

Crew 279 GreenHab Report 13-04-2023

GreenHab Officer: Augustin Tribolet
Environmental control: Open during day and heater during night
Average temperatures: 79.5 F
Hours of supplemental light: N/A
Daily water usage for crops: 13.7 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: N/A
Water in Blue Tank: 104.0 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 12:30, 19:30
Changes to crops: N/A
Narrative: As usual, general watering of plants and crops was done today. The GreenHab has also been swept away this evening. The sky was very cloudy today with a lot of wind, thus the GreenHab was closed. Last night, an additional mouse was taken out from the GreenHab. The mousetrap will be reinstalled tonight.
Harvest: N/A
Support/supplies needed: N/A

GreenHab Report – April 12th

Crew 279 GreenHab Report 12-04-2023

GreenHab Officer: Augustin Tribolet
Environmental control: Open during day and heater during night
Average temperatures: 79.0 F
Hours of supplemental light: N/A
Daily water usage for crops: 15.8 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: N/A
Water in Blue Tank: 76.8 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 14:00, 20:30
Changes to crops: N/A
Narrative: Today was cloudy but the temperature was high, the door stayed open in the afternoon. A new crop of cherry tomatoes was harvested. Due to the wind today and tomorrow, the GreenHab will need to be swept tomorrow or during SOL 12.
Harvest: 186 g tomatoes
Support/supplies needed: N/A

GreenHab Report – April 11th

Crew 279 GreenHab Report 11-04-2023

GreenHab Officer: Augustin Tribolet
Environmental control: Open during day and heater during night
Average temperatures: 82.2 F
Hours of supplemental light: N/A
Daily water usage for crops: 17.9 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: N/A
Water in Blue Tank: 92.3 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 08:30, 16:15, 19:45
Changes to crops: N/A
Narrative: The sun was again really intense today, the door was then left open all day. As yesterday, the plants have been watered again in the evening with 4.2 gallons. Some zucchini are growing well and will be ready for the end of the mission.
Harvest: N/A
Support/supplies needed: N/A

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