Crew 272 GreenHab Report 07-01-2023
GreenHab Officer: Madelyn Whitaker
Environmental control: heater, door opened
Average temperatures: 74 F
Hours of supplemental light: 4 hours
Daily water usage for crops: 6 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 1 gallons
Water in Blue Tank : 258
Time(s) of watering for crops: 830, 1300
Changes to crops: Harvested basil, chives, microgreens, dill. Planted microgreens.
Narrative: Another warm day in the GreenHab as the temperatures just barely reached 80 F before propping the door open. All GreenHab crops were watered and monitored twice due to warmer temperatures, as well as experimental crops. Harvested basil, chives, microgreens, dill. Planted microgreens.
Harvest: (include which crop and mass in grams): 20g microgreens, 1g basil, 1g chives, 10g dill
Support/supplies needed: N/A
GreenHab Report – January 6th
Crew 272 GreenHab Report 06-01-2023
GreenHab Officer: Madelyn Whitaker
Environmental control: heater, door open
Average temperatures: 74 F
Hours of supplemental light: 4 hours
Daily water usage for crops: 8 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 1 gallon
Water in Blue Tank : 265 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 830, 1400
Changes to crops: Harvested beans, chives, microgreens. Planted lettuce and kale.
Narrative: Watered and monitored all GreenHab crops. Watered all experimental crops. Harvested beans, microgreens, and chives. Planted lettuce and kale. Crew engineer was consulted about possibility of malfunctioning cooling system as GreenHab temp reached 88.8F at 1:30 p.m., which was later resolved by mission support. Cleaned out some wilted plants in larger herb tray to use as added nutrients in freshly planted kale and lettuce.
Harvest: (include which crop and mass in grams): 11g beans, 3g chives, 10g microgreens
Support/supplies needed: N/A
GreenHab Report – January 5th
Crew 272 GreenHab Report 05-01-2023
GreenHab Officer: Madelyn Whitaker
Environmental control: heater, fan used
Average temperatures: 69 F
Hours of supplemental light: 4 hours
Daily water usage for crops: 6 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 1 gallon
Water in Blue Tank : 274 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 1000, 1400
Changes to crops: Harvested basil, thyme, microgreens, chive, beans, dill. Planted black nebula carrots
Narrative: Watered and monitored all GreenHab crops. Harvested herbs for tonight’s ravioli dinner, beans and microgreens for snack, dill for herb bread. Watered experimental crops, watered new crops in regolith and soil experiments. Planted black nebula carrots.
Harvest: (include which crop and mass in grams): 10 g microgreens, 5g thyme, 2g basil, 3g chive, 15g beans, 25g dill
Support/supplies needed: N/A
GreenHab Report – January 4th
Crew 272 GreenHab Report 04-01-2023
GreenHab Officer: Madelyn Whitaker
Environmental control: heater, fan
Average temperatures: 69 F, 20 C
Hours of supplemental light: 4 hours
Daily water usage for crops: 7 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 0.5 gallons, taken from Hab sink
Water in Blue Tank : 281 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 1600
Changes to crops: Harvested basil, thyme, oregano. No other changes.
Narrative: Watered and monitored all GreenHab crops, no new plantings. Monitored main experimental crops growing in paper substrate. Identified areas to add new crops next Sol.
Harvest: (include which crop and mass in grams): 1g basil, 1g thyme, 1g oregano
Support/supplies needed: N/A
GreenHab Report – January 3rd
Crew 272 GreenHab Report 03-01-2023
GreenHab Officer: Madelyn Whitaker
Environmental control: heater
Average temperatures: 69 F, 20 C
Hours of supplemental light: 4 hours
Daily water usage for crops: 6 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 1 gallon
Water in Blue Tank : 288 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 1600
Changes to crops: Planted cucumber, spinach, cilantro seeds. Removed dead snow peas.
Narrative: Removed dead snow peas, dead leaves from beans. Shredded old organic material and added to newly planted pots of cilantro, spinach, cucumbers. Harvested beans and carrots for snacks, basil for pizza, chives and dill for garnish.
Harvest: (include which crop and mass in grams): 20g beans, 3g basil, 3g chives, 6g dill, 28g carrots
Support/supplies needed: N/A
GreenHab Report – January 2nd
Crew 272 GreenHab Report 02-01-2023
GreenHab Officer: Madelyn Whitaker
Environmental control: heater, door open
Average temperatures: 70 F, 21 C
Hours of supplemental light: 4 hours
Daily water usage for crops: 4 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 1 gallon
Water in Blue Tank : 295 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 1300 (Dr. Rupert), 1630
Changes to crops: N/A, harvest listed below
Narrative: Took a variety of herbs for use at lunch and dinner and beans to snack on, identified harvest of unknown plant as Daikon radish, cleared out some wilting and dead leaves from beanstalk.
Harvest: (include which crop and mass in grams): 41g beans, 5g chives, 2g thyme, 5g dill, 140 g of Daikon radish
Support/supplies needed: N/A
GreenHab Report – December 9th
GreenHab Officer: Matthew Eby
Environmental control: Heater on, door closed, 20% humidity.
Average temperatures: 67-deg F at time of watering.
Hours of supplemental light: 4 hours
Daily water usage for crops: Approximately 5 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 0 gallons
Water in Blue Tank: Approximately 190 gallons (Based on a 250 gallon capacity, visually 80% full)
Time(s) of watering for crops: 5 PM
Changes to crops: None
Narrative: Today the GreenHab was swept and the shelves cleaned. Also, a support cage was added to another bean plant that was getting tall.
Harvest: 11 grams of carrot tops (part of effort to thin carrot plot).
Support/supplies needed: None needed at this time.
GreenHab Report – December 8th
GreenHab Officer: Matthew Eby
Environmental control: Heater on, door closed, 20% humidity.
Average temperatures: 73-deg F at time of watering. Range prior 24 hours: 63-deg F – 86-deg F
Hours of supplemental light: 4 hours
Daily water usage for crops: Approximately 5 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 0 gallons
Water in Blue Tank: Approximately 190 gallons (Based on a 250 gallon capacity, visually 75-80% full)
Time(s) of watering for crops: 4:30 PM
Changes to crops: None
Narrative: Today it was noticed that the area recently seeded with onion and radish was sprouting rapidly, perhaps too rapidly. We turned the soil in preparation, it is possible we might have exposed other seeds in this area of the bed. This area was radish previously, so there might be additional radish sprouts.
Harvest: None
Support/supplies needed: None needed at this time.
GreenHab Report – December 7th
GreenHab Officer: Matthew Eby
Environmental control: Heater on, door closed, 20% humidity.
Average temperatures: 68-deg F at time of watering. Range prior 24 hours: 64-deg F – 76-deg F
Hours of supplemental light: 4 hours
Daily water usage for crops: Approximately 5 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 0 gallons
Water in Blue Tank: Approximately 195 gallons (Based on a 250 gallon capacity, visually 80% full)
Time(s) of watering for crops: 2:30 PM
Changes to crops: None
Narrative: Today plant food was added to the watering. Also, it was noted that the soil level was low on several of the tomato plants, exposing the top of the roots. More soil was added and additional supports provided to promote vertical growth (see pictures). Finally, a cage was added to one of the bean plants to provide support (see picture).
Harvest: 9 grams of microgreens and 21 grams of carrot tops (part of effort to thin carrot plot).
Support/supplies needed: None needed at this time.
GreenHab Report – December 6th
GreenHab Officer: Matthew Eby
Environmental control: Heater on, door closed, 20% humidity.
Average temperatures: 67-deg F at time of watering. Range prior 24 hours: 64-deg F – 83-deg F
Hours of supplemental light: 4 hours
Daily water usage for crops: Approximately 5 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 0 gallons
Water in Blue Tank: Approximately 200 gallons (Based on a 250 gallon capacity, visually 80% full)
Time(s) of watering for crops: 5:30 PM
Changes to crops: None
Narrative: Today two notes of interest, first, one of the distressed pea plants flowered, and second a correction to a prior report, the pea plant that sprouted is actually a bean plant (and is growing vigorously, already 6” tall).
Harvest: None
Support/supplies needed: None needed at this time.