Commander Report – January 24th


Sol 5

Author: Shawna Pandya, Commander

Title: Learn, Baby, Learn…

Today was an incredible day of learning. I started the day awakening at MAU station, having spent the night there, as a means of pre-orientating to the MAU station operations. It won’t be long now, but we will be switching over at Sol 7. I am thrilled and amazed at the balmy desert paradise that the MAU station has created amidst a lone and frigid red jewel, and look forward to building on the work that MAU crew as started as we transition over next week.

Next, we attempted our first medical EVA drill, intended to be a joint medical drill. Unfortunately, we immediately ran into issues with our communications as soon as we stepped out. Additionally, one of the MDRS EVA crew members experienced some issues and needed to return to MDRS station. Once outside MDRS, we attempted to continue to troubleshoot the comms issues, but ultimately called off the EVA because of ongoing issues.

I am extremely proud of what happened next. The MAU and MDRS crews sat down together to debrief about the lessons learned, and also made the difficult, but correct call to abort the afternoon EVA as we worked to compile a list of lessons learned, and abort criteria for future EVAs. I am sharing some of the list elements here, in hopes that it will be of use for future crews:
(1) Equipment/suit failures;
(2) Medical emergencies;
(3) EVA exceeds pre-planned "return-to-base" time;
(4) If every EVA member is not able to complete the EVA;
(5) Predetermined comms criteria are not met; and/or
(6) Team determines that there is a valid safety concern with proceeding

Sometimes in order to hit your objectives, you have to go through the nitty-gritty details to set yourselves up for success on future operations. I feel we achieved this today, and am proud of my MAU-MDRS Martians for working the problem in a disciplined and methodical fashion. Mars. Whatever. It. Takes.

Commander Pandya
Over and Out

Commander Report – January 24th


MDRS – MAU Commander Report Sol 5 24-01-2020

Sol 5

Title: The Gift of An EVA Abort

Author: Commander John Hanacek

When things don’t go to plan, sometimes it can serve as a powerful gift. Today’s EVA was meant to serve as a medical training scenario using previously gathered coordinates. Instead it turned into a deeply useful learning and coordination opportunity for both stations’ EVA crews. Our post EVA debrief led to a productive session of solidifying EVA abort criteria, and tangible lessons and improvements in intra-team communications, both over the radio and as a group. The debrief went into the time allotted for the second EVA, which the commanders cancelled. We spent the rest of the day catching up on science and connecting as a crew. As commander of MAU station, I am deeply grateful that we were able to achieve a positive outcome despite needing to abort an EVA. The crew performed admirably with adverse comms conditions We revealed that we had some structural issues with our communications technology, and techniques, and we were unclear about abort protocols. After this morning’s EVA, this is no longer the case. These kinds of lessons are powerful gifts, they show the cracks without breaking the vase. I am deeply grateful to the crew for problem solving as best they could in adverse conditions, and for each bringing their unique background, knowledge and experience to the post EVA briefing. Together we were able to achieve a new level of understanding with each other, and solidify protocols for the unique station to station situation. As pioneers of the station to station paradigm, we are pushing the envelope with coordination between teams. As astronauts we are committed to safety even before our heart felt desire to explore and learn on Mars.

– John

EVA Report – January 24th


MAU Crew 220 EVA Report 24JAN2020

EVA # 007

Author: John Hanacek

Purpose of EVA: Go to Scouted Site From EVA 003 and Engage In First Medical Simulation

Start time: 09:20

End time: ABORT 10:24

Narrative: Pre-EVA: Terrain is muddy, weather is overcast. MDRS crew commander Shawna “Night Owl” had stayed the night at MAU station as a first introduction to the next week when teams will switch. MDRS and MAU commanders briefed EVA plan at MAU before heading out.

MAU team left the airlock to await arrival of MDRS team in front of the MAU station. At 09:55 both teams head out to the previously scouted injury site (12s518287,4250596) for medical practice. Shortly after, an EVA team member expresses discomfort and pain in their arm. HSO assesses non-critical condition and plans are made to return that crewmember to MDRS hab and continue the EVA. Yet, communications then began to break down. The radio of the MDRS EVA crew leader was not operable and relay measures and hand signals were employed to get the affected crew member back to MDRS. The situation was slightly chaotic as it became clear that both crews were having difficulties reliably connecting to each other and habcom, both MDRS habcom and MAU habcom. The crews admirably attempted to continue, yet the decision was made to abort the EVA for safety reasons. The affected crewmember was able to completely recover inside MDRS station and all crew made it safely back into the MDRS hab.

The post-EVA debrief was extremely useful and gave the combined two station crews a chance to establish and solidify all safety mechanisms. Getting to experience an abort on a non-life-threatening medical condition gave the crews a real world test of abort protocols and has strengthened the overall ability of the crew to perform EVAs. Further testing of the radio characteristics and enhanced communication guidelines will ensure that future EVAs are bolstered by a rock solid abort plan to ensure that safety is first in the exploration of Mars.

Destination: Previously scouted EVA site, labeled “number 2”

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 12s518287,4250596

Participants: Hab Com: Susan EVA Crew: Morgan, Shawna

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Valley along Cow Dung Rd

Mode of travel: Walk from MDRS to MAU, plan to walk to injury site 2.

Support Requested: No support requested during EVA.

Sol Summary – January 24th


Crew 220 (MAU) Sol Summary Report 24JAN2020

Sol: 5

Summary Title: Fifth Sol Successfully Completed

Author’s name: Morgan Kainu

Mission Status: Educationally Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: MAU crew encountered communication setbacks during the morning EVA. Crew decided to postpone the first and second EVA of the day to meet up with MDRS crew and discuss communication strategies and practices for future EVAs. Preparations were made for deploying a crew member’s invention, the “golden bubble” pressurized field surgery system, for testing in future Medical EVAs.

Look Ahead Plan: Due to the comms setback during the EVA, the crew postponed the EVA for a later sol. Sol 6 will feature a day filled with in-hab science projects.

Anomalies in work: Muddy and snowy conditions caused need for special care to ensure stability of MAU station as well as traversing the terrain.

Weather: Overcast, low -4 C high 2 C, snowfall early morning, humidity: 86%, wind: 2 km/h

Crew Physical Status: Nominal

EVA: Aborted

Reports to be filed: Engineering, Commander, Photos

Support Requested: None at this stage

GreenHab Report – January 24th


Crew 220 GreenHab Report 24-JAN-20

Crew GreenHab Officer: Marufa Bhuiyan

Environmental control: Heating.

Shade cloth (40% and 30%) on.

Average temperature: 15.75°C

8:41 A.M.
Floor Unit: 18 °C

14:40 P.M.
Floor Unit: 10 °C

17:16 P.M.
Floor Unit: 18°C

20:07 P.M.
Floor Unit: 17°C

Hours of supplemental light: Light system 7:30 PM-12:00AM.

Daily water usage for crops: 10.42 Gal.

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: N/A

Water in Blue Tank: 192 Gal.

Time(s) of watering for crops:

8:50 A.M.
5:35 P.M.


Change to crops: N/A


Water shortage in the blue tank in the morning but its resolved now

Added support/fences to some plants e.g. Narcissis, mystery, acorn pumpkin.

Operations Report – January 24th

MDRS-MAU Crew 220 Operations Report 24-01-2020

SOL: 05

Name of person filing report: John Hanacek

Non-nominal systems: none

Notes on non-nominal systems: n/a

Generator: Nominal

Hours run: 0 hours

From what time last night: n/a

To what time this morning: n/a

List any additional daytime hours when the generator was run:

Station Propane Reading – ~2%

Ethanol Free Gasoline: 5 gallons

Water (Containers): 17 gallons

Toilet tank emptied: no

General notes and comments: Setup decision to dig drainage canals around MAU base pays off as snow thaws

Summary of internet: n/a

Summary of suits and radios: nominal

Summary of Hab operations: nominal

Summary of health and safety issues: Continual monitoring of all crew during cold night conditions

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: none

Operations Report – January 24th


Operations Report

Crew 220 Operations Report 24-JAN-2020

Sol: 5

Name of person filing report: Alyx Skywalker

Non-nominal systems: Primary Generator, Water Heater

Generator: Primary is inoperable. Rental was run-the following information is for the Rental.

Hours run: 14

From what time last night: 17:00

To what time this morning: 07:00

List of any additional daytime hours when the generator was run: N/A

Solar- SOC% (Before the generator is run at night): 82%

Diesel Reading – 45%

Station Propane Reading- 92%

Ethanol Free Gasoline- N/A

Water (loft tank) (gal) – 50

Water Meter (units)- 0148172,4

Water (static tank) (gal) – 307

Static to loft Pump used –Yes

Water in Green Hab (gal): 192

Water in Science Dome (gal): 0

Toilet Tank Emptied –No

Diemos rover used: Still in the workshop


Beginning Charge:

End Charge:

Currently Charging:

Sojourner rover used: Yes, by Outpost


Beginning Charge:

End Charge:

Currently Charging:

Spirit Rover used – No

Starting Hours: 127.9

Beginning Charge: 72%

Ending Hours: 127.9

Ending Charge: 100%

Opportunity Rover used: Still in workshop


Beginning Charge:

Ending Charge:

Currently Charging:

Curiosity Rover used: No

Starting Hours: 133.9

Beginning Charge: 74%

Ending Hours: 133.9

Ending Charge: 100%

Notes on Rovers: Opportunity and Deimos off-site for maintenance. When EVA team left the airlock they discovered the rovers were not at 100% charge. The EVA team reported this and then proceeded on foot. Upon investigation it was realized that the extension cord was not plugged into the MDRS Station. The extension was plugged in and the Rovers were then charged.

ATV’s Used: (Honda, 300, 350.1, 350.2, 350.3): No

Reason for use:

Oil Added? No

# hours the ATV’s were used today: 0

Notes on ATVs: None.

Habcar used and why, where? Yes. Twice the Habcar was taken to town for water for the GreenHab.

CrewCar used and why, where? No

General Notes and Comments: None.

Summary of the internet: Nominal

Summary of Suit and Radios: Nominal

Summary of Hab: Nominal

Summary of Science Dome operations: Science was conducted.

Summary of Ram operations: Nominal

Summary of any observatory issues: Nominal

Summary of Health and Safety issues: See Health and Safety Officer’s report.

Questions, concerns, and requests to Mission Support: None

EVA Report – January 23rd

Crew 220 EVA #5 Report 23-01-2020

EVA # 5

Author: Johannes Svensoy, MD

Purpose of EVA: Recognition for sites usable for Medical Trauma training.

Start time: 0900

End time: 1200

Narrative: Pre-EVA: All EVA Crew members physically fit, hydrated, and mentally prepared. Crew was briefed about mission for finding two sites which will be good for medical trauma training. Preferably around the MAU station. Terrain muddy. Extra caution was taken throughout the mission.

Airlock working perfectly, and after a successful depressurization the Crew drove over to MAU station with the Spirit and Curiosity rovers. At the MAU station, the MDRS Crew met up with the MAU Crew. After a quick brief and visual recognition of the surrounding area, the whole group ventured south west. The first site was marked at 12s518124,4250680. From there another site were located west of the MAU station at 12s518287,4250596. Several places around the second site were identified as potential good places for training which is of major importance for the Crew for future possible medical traumas here on Mars.

All astronauts returned safely to MDRS with no issues. They all went through post-EVA medical checkup with no issues found.

Destination: Recognition of area South of MDRS

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS):

Participants: HabCom: Lee. EVA Crew: Shawna, Johannes, Susan.

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Entrance road out to Cow Dung Road. Area around MAU station.

Mode of travel: Rovers Spirit and Curiosity from MDRS to Cow Dung Road. Parked at MAU station. Trek around the MAU station area.

Support Requested: No support requested during EVA.

Spirit rover used:

Beginning Hours: 127.7

Ending Hours: 127.8

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 88%

Currently charging: YES

Curiosity rover used:

Beginning Hours: 133.7

Ending Hours: 133.7

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 87%

Currently charging: YES