Greenhab Report – December 25th

Greenhab Report
David Murray
25 Dec, 2017

Environmental control:
Ambient with door open from 9:30 to 17:18
Working Hour: 17:18
Inside temp at working hour: 16 C
Outside temp during working hours: 4.5 C
Inside temperature high: 32 C
Inside temperature low: 14 C
Inside humidity: 21%
Functioning nominally,
Turns on at 16 C and off at 20 C
Not functional
Shade Cloth On/Off
The greenhab lights are on from 17:00 to 24:00 every night
Average temperature:
Changes to Crops
One spinach sprout
Morning Research Observations

Daily Water Usage for Crops
5 gallons
Time(s) of Watering Crops
One spinach seed has sprouted. All the plants look healthy. I’ll transplant the kale, cabbage, and spinach sprouts into larger pots over the next couple days.
Support/Supplies Needed

Journalist Report – December 25th

Journalist Report 12-25-2017AD 7:33pm Sol 7
Author: John Sczepaniak MD

Today, was Christmas on Mars. In the morning the commander let us sleep an extra hour. Yay!!! We were priviliged to be visited by a three crew re-supply team and they brought us a wonderful Christmas meal. We had prime ribs, sugar coated sweet potatoes, butter coated biscuits, and of course healthy vegetables. We were really stuffed. That was not all, we shared gifts from our respective countries and enjoyed French chocolates. For beverages with had apple cider (non-alcoholic). We shared our personal experiences and our plans once we return to Earth. It was a bit difficult for some because they would really like to be with their family back on that beautiful blue ball we call home. Alas, we will make due with the situation at hand; I would say we are doing well.

Overall it was nice to have a day off from extravehicular
activities. Going outside the habitat in a spacesuit is a bit physically draining. It requires everyone on the crew to prepare the suits, get participants dressed, and maintain communications. Not to mention the weight of the suit and the physical demands of wearing pressurized suits. The crew is now pretty accustomed to the decompression and repressurization. Our new space suit testing is coming along well and we hope to test it again tomorrow.

We wish everyone back on Earth a wonderful and bright Christmas. If you do not celebrate the holiday we wish you happy holidays and a beautiful New Year.

Sol Summary – December 25th

Sol 7

Merry Christmas!

David Murray

Mission Status: The crew is clean and well fed.

Sol Activity Summary: In the spirit of Christmas, Crew 185 rewarded ourselves with an extra hour of sleep and our first showers of the simulation. After a light breakfast, Arno and Ilaria left the hab to conduct an engineering check. Meanwhile, the rest of the crew prepared Christmas dinner, cleaned, and readied the hab to accommodate our guests. Shannon and her daughter arrived to share Christmas dinner with us. We had a first-rate feast of prime rib, candied yams, veggies, biscuits, soup, and baked potatoes. As much as we enjoyed the meal, we all miss our loved ones and wish that we were able to spend this holiday season with them. On behalf of Crew 185, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Look Ahead Plan: The EVA for tomorrow focuses on GPS and drone control functionality in the X-1 spacesuit.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Sunny

Crew Physical Status: Healthy, clean, and well fed

EVA: X-1 tests: Drone Control & GPS

Reports to be filed: Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, EVA Request, Sol Summary

Support Requested: None

Operations Report – December 25th

Operations Report

SOL: 7

Name of person filing report: A.Passeron

Non-nominal systems:

– Generator :
The generator worked properly during the night. It had a low battery failure at about 5am, which is normal since we charged the battery for only two hours yesterday. We keep going with the idea of charging the battery during the day to run the generator during the night. We started charging the battery at 8:40am. At 4:50pm, the charge of the battery was 75% while the SOC was 89%. We thus decided to connect the battery to the generator and it is working properly since then. At 7:20pm, the charge of the battery is still 12V.

Generator (hours run):
Generator turned off at roughtly 5:00am (failure)
Start charging battery at 8:40am
Battery charge is 75% at 4:50pm
Generator turned on at 4:50pm

Solar— SOC
@ 8:40am : 17%
@ 10:35am : 22%
@ 11:55am : 91%
@ 1:20pm : 87%
@ 1:45pm : 83%
@ 4:50pm : 89%
@ 7:20pm : 89%

Diesel – 76%

Propane – 50%

Ethanol Free Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV) – 2.5 Gallons (1 container remaining)

Water (trailer) – 20 gallons

Water (static) – 280 gallons

Trailer to Static Pump used – No

Static to Loft Pump used – Yes

Water Meter: 50 gallons

Toilet tank emptied: Yes

ATVs Used: No
Oil Added?
ATV Fuel Used:
# Hours the ATVs were used today: 00:00 hours
Notes on ATVs: ATVs were nominal.

Deimos rover used: No
Number of hours:
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging:

Sojourner rover used: Assigned to director only.
Number of hours: 4.0
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging:

Spirit rover used: No
Number of hours: 5.0
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: No
Number of hours: 4.3
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging:

Curiosity rover used: No
Number of hours: 1.7
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging: Yes

HabCar used and why, where? No

Summary of internet: All nominal

Summary of suits and radios: All nominal

Summary of Hab operations: All nominal

Summary of GreenHab operations: All nominal

Summary of ScienceDome operations: All nominal

Summary of RAMM operations: Not Operational

Summary of health and safety issues: Crew is Healthy

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: None

Operations Report – December 24th

Crew 185
Operations Report Saturday 12/24/2017

SOL: 6

Name of person filing report: A.Passeron

Non-nominal systems:
– Generator :
We had the same problem over and over again with the generator. The battery is not charging while generator is on. At about 9:00pm, we unplugged the cable which connect the generator to the solar panel central unit, we jump started the battery and we turned the generator on. But the charge of the battery dropped and the generator had a second failure at rougthly 9:20pm. So the problem comes from the generator, not the central unit. At 8:10am, we jump started the generator again and turned it on.
At 9:10am, just before third failure, settings were :
+ Oil pressure : 47 psi
+ Speed : 1815 rpm
+ Battery charge : 6.4V
The generator had then a third failure at 9:20am.
Shannon and us agree with the idea of charging the battery during the day to run the generator during the night. Shannon brought two battery chargers at 4:35pm. We disconnected the battery from the generator and charged the battery at 4:50pm. We let the battery charge for two hours after the sunset. At 7:15pm, the charge of the battery was 60% while the SOC was 54%. We thus decided to connect the battery to the generator and it is working properly since then.

– Water shortage :
Crew aware of concern about water shortage. We use the shallow water from trailer tanks to water the plants of the GreenLab. Shannon brought an extra 100-gallon water tank to ease the water shortage. We pumped roughtly 60 gallons into the static water tank during the engineering check at 11:45am.

Generator (hours run):
Generator turned off at roughtly 8:00pm yesterday (first failure)
Jump-start done at rougthly 9:00pm yesterday
Generator turned on at rougthly 9:00pm yesterday
Generator turned off at roughtly 9:20pm yesterday (second failure)
Jump-start done at 8:10am
Generator turned on at 8:10am
Generator turned off at 9:20am (third failure)
Start charging battery at 4:50pm
Battery charge is 60% at 7:15pm
Generator turned on at 7:15pm

Solar— SOC
@ 7:15am : 0%
@ 8:10am : 0%
@ 9:10am : 1%
@ 9:20am : 2%
@ 10:00am : 3%
@ 11:06am : 8%
@ 12:57pm : 18%
@ 1:39pm : 100%
@ 2:55pm : 97%
@ 3:45pm : 92%
@ 4:38pm : 84%
@ 5:05pm : 78%
@ 6:05pm : 68%
@ 7:15pm : 54%

Diesel – 78%
Propane – 50%

Ethanol Free Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV) – 2.5 Gallons (1 container remaining)

Water (trailer) – 20 gallons

Water (static) – 310 gallons

Trailer to Static Pump used – Yes (roughtly 60 gallons from the 100-gallon tank brought by Shannon)

Static to Loft Pump used – Yes

Water Meter: 50 gallons

Toilet tank emptied: No

ATVs Used: Yamaha blue Grizzly 350 #3
Oil Added? Yes
ATV Fuel Used:
# Hours the ATVs were used today: 03:00 hours
Notes on ATVs: ATVs were nominal.

Deimos rover used: No
Hours: 00:00 hours
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging:

Sojourner rover used: Assigned to director only.
Hours: 00:00 Hours
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging:

Spirit rover used: No
Hours: 00:00 Hours
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: No
Hours: 00:00 Hours
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging:

Curiosity rover used: Yes
Hours: 03:00 Hours
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 86%
Currently charging: Yes

HabCar used and why, where? No
Summary of internet: All nominal

Summary of suits and radios: All nominal

Summary of Hab operations: Water shortage prevention.

Summary of GreenHab operations: All nominal

Summary of ScienceDome operations: All nominal

Summary of RAMM operations: Not Operational

Summary of health and safety issues: Crew is Healthy

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support:

Journalist Report – December 24th

Sol 6 – All I want for Christmas is Mars

The moral in the Hab is excellent! It is very pleasant to be with such a nice crew. 🙂

This morning, we made our longuest EVA since the beginning of the mission. It lasted more than 3 hours and we managed to test X-1 in a rocky area, we set up an experiment about soil erosion, we continued our experiment about control/astro interaction and we determined which maximum weight you can carry on an ATV depending on the local soil density around the Hab. Quite a busy morning!

This afternoon, we worked together and did social sciences surveys about writting skills, clothing or empowerment during a Martian mission. We also had our first (and probably last) short shower of the mission and we found a way to overcome the issues we are currently having with the battery of the generator.

The mood is light as even here, Christmas is approaching. We have a Christmas tree, presents and nice food for tommorow. Do you really need more on the Red Planet?

On the behalf of the whole Crew 185, I wish you all a merry ChristMa(r)s with you family and loved ones!

Sincere greetings from the Red Planet,

Thibault, ExO and spacesuit engineer for the Crew 185

Journalist Report – December 23rd

Sol 5 – EVAs and fertilizer

This morning, we had our first long EVA with one rover and one ATV. Arno, John and Ilaria left the Hab during almost three hours and they explored a region north to the Hab with Moon-like landscapes. They also hid objects to be find by David and Thibault during the next EVA for an experiement about Astro-control communication.

Back in the Hab, we did meditation and team-building. Then, David sprayed a homemade fertilizer on the almost 200 plants of the GreenHab which is greener every day thanks to his biology talents!

Tonight, we enjoyed a meal of mashed potatoes and vegetables made by John. We also baked two breads for tomorrow (one with walnuts and honey and the other with blueberries). Life is not that bad on Mars!

Greetings from the Red Planet,

Thibault, ExO and spacesuit engineer for the Crew 185

EVA #5 Report – December 24th

Report: Crew 185 EVA #5 for SOL 6.

Propose of EVA: We did a three-hour EVA this morning and we managed to do a lot of thing:

– We tested X-1 in a rocky environment
– We set up an experiment about soil erosion in an analog environment
– We continued our experiment about control/astro interaction
– We continued our experiment about the maximum weight that you can put on an ATV depending on the local soil density

EVA #5:

Start time: 1030am

End time: 0150pm

Ilaria Cinelli: Leader

David Murray: Astro 1

Thibault Paris: Astro 2

Arno Passeron and John Scezpaniak on Comms

Destination: Robert’s Rock Garden then Hab Area

Vehicles: 2

ATV: 350
Rover: Curiosity

Prepared by T. Paris