Sol Summary – January 28th

MAU Crew 220

MAU Crew 220 Sol 9 Summary 28Jan2020

Summary Title: Sol 9 and Feeling Fine
Author’s name: Shawna Pandya, Commander
Mission Status: Rockminal
Sol Activity Summary: Today was geological science day! The morning started with a brief by the MDRS Science Officer on soil sampling techniques, followed by a geological EVA over 2 sites (Kissing Camel and North Ridge) and sample return. In the afternoon, the crew analyzed their samples using standard geological evaluation techniques and also under a microscope.
Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow will be an operational and maintenance day around the MAU Station as the Engineer returns and the crew undertakes general upkeep activities. Tonight also marks the commencement of the MAU Ambassador Program, with the arrival of a visiting MDRS Officer.
Weather: Approximately -4C at night, max 5C during day until Saturday, minimal chance of precipitation (20%).
Crew Physical Status: MAUminal
EVA: Geological EVA conducted over two sites (Kissing Camel & North Ridge), 5 soil samples returned.
Reports to be filed:
Sol Summary (sent)
Commander’s Report
EVA Report
Operations Report
Photo Report
EVA Request: Pending.
Support Requested: None at this time.

Sol Summary – January 28th

Crew 220 (MDRS) Sol Summary 28Jan2020

Sol: 9

Summary Title: GeoConnexus

Author’s name: Connie Delisle

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary:Day broke with an incredible sunrise, illuminating the Martian landscape. MDRS again served as the rally point for the EVA. HabComm and one other Crew member manned the Station while the remainder of the team participated in a 3-hour geological EVA (gEVA). Yet another first for the Crew, they eagerly learned about the procedure for soil sampling and analysis.

Look Ahead Plan: Sol 10 includes work at MDRS. Since the Crew is only three for the bulk of the day, we will remain at the station. We will commence with work in the GreenHab including soil pH testing, planting and harvesting. This will be followed by catching up on social science (behavior motivation to go to Mars), and nutrition studies. A researcher and I will commence drafting of a paper on the GreenHab operations, comparing ICE to non-ICE environments. I will provide the paper to MDRS and MAU directors for their decision to keep for internal information or to at any point ahead to share for external publication.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Approximately -4C at night, max 5C during day until Saturday, minimal chance of precipitation (20%).

Crew Physical Status: Commanders and Crew put in really full day of work with a longer EVA than usual, followed by a nearly 3-hour science lab to do the soil analysis. The was immediately followed by starting reports. We are determined to submit all reports before the CapComm window closes! Spirits are high, good food has helped but tonight’s program is light to afford an early bedtime.

EVA: None at the MDRS Station.

Reports to be filed:

Journalist Report
Sol Summary
Photo Report
Operations Report
GreenHab Report
Geological Report
EVA Report

Support Requested: Four fluorescent bulbs for the lower deck.

Sol Summary – January 27th


Author’s name: Connie Delisle

Mission Status: Phenominal

Sol 8 Activity Summary:

The day started with a joint briefing and breakfast between the MAU and MDRS Crew. Today’s morning activities were designed to help the Crew put the medical training on three assessment techniques: P-MARCH-P, Secondary Site Survey and SAMPLE procedure. Crew members assessed the condition of simulated victims, and for the first time, used XO Wise’s “Golden Bubble”. The point clearly hit home – that there are many different challenges in assessing, recovering and transporting a patient on Mars.

Look Ahead Plan: Sol 9 includes another first on this Mission, a Geological EVA. First, the Crew will be briefed on soil collection procedures by Crew Member and Researcher, Morgan Kainu. Second, the Crew will attend the Science Dome to partake in soil sampling research. This includes testing soil textures and other properties along with using a black light.

Anomalies in work: The weather report did not indicate the warmth of the sun and had to redo the compression/decompression sequence at MDRS to take off cold weather clothing. Also, the wind between 011:00 and 17:00 was markedly higher than previous days, with gust estimated at 25 MPH. The Crew adapted by securing their equipment and also doing two rendezvous at MAU station. Some remedial work was needed there to ensure that the equipment was secured.

Weather: Tonight, clear skies with a lowest temperature later this evening around -6°C, with a 0% chance of snow. The average highest temperature during the day is expected to reach 5°C.

Crew Physical Status: Commanders and Crew worked very hard today – both mentally and physically. However, there is a sense of satisfaction operations become more efficient and training, science and EVAs become more prominent.

EVA: One morning and one afternoon EVA was conducted, all in front of the MDRS Station.

Reports to be filed:

Commanders Report
Sol Summary
Photo Report
Operations Report
GreenHab Report
EVA Report
EVA Request
Support Requested: None Required

Sol Summary – January 27th


MAU Crew 220 Sol 8 Summary 27Jan2020

Summary Title: Skills and Drills and SiMAUlated Fractures Oh My!
Author’s name: Shawna Pandya, Commander
Mission Status: Nominally windy
Sol Activity Summary: The MAU and MDRS rendezvoused for a day of medical drilling, skilling and practical application. In the morning, the two physicians on the crew reviewed previously learned skills, and then also taught the crew about additional triage and assessment skills. These skills were then tested in simulated trauma scenarios on EVA in front of the hab. Most excitingly, these EVAs saw the first deployment of the Golden Bubble pressurized transport device in the field, which was successful, and provided many useful data points going forward. In other news, it was a windy day on Mars, necessitating two Engineering EVAs at MAU station to safely secure the base against the elements.
Look Ahead Plan: The crew looks forward to a day full of geological science and exploration tomorrow!

Weather: -6C low tonight with light winds at 12kph / 0% chance of precipitation tonight & tomorrow
Crew Physical Status: MEDucated
EVA: AM & PM medical EVAs drilling trauma scenarios in front of the MDRS Hab
Reports to be filed:
Sol Summary (sent)
Commander's Report (sent)
EVA Report
Operations Report
GreenHab Report
Photo Report
Science Report
EVA Request: Pending.
Support Requested: MAUral support please!

Sol Summary – January 26th

Crew 220 (MDRS) Sol Summary 22Jan2020

Sol: 7

Summary Title: Soulful Sol

Author’s name: Connie Delisle

Mission Status: Marsvellously Nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

The day started with a joint briefing and breakfast between the two Crews after MAU Crew came over to the MDRS Hab. The nature of this Mission intentionally provides opportunity for joint EVAs and learning opportunities in order to observe and discuss the nature of small-larger group human factor interaction. Today’s morning activities included medical training on the METHANE procedure, additional drilling on the P-MARCH-P, and a training session on CRP and bagging (resuscitation). Crew members reported learning a great deal and appreciating the hands-on practice and drilling. Today’s activities with a smaller Crew followed the planned schedule and timing more closely than in previous days. In addition, the Crew reported being more relaxed and feeling less hurried between planned events.

Look Ahead Plan: Sol 8 includes a full schedule, starting at 07:00 for breakfast and MDRS-MAU Commander briefing on the day’s events. Following will be a Medical EVA near the MDRS Hab, serving as the initial field test of the “Golden Bubble.” This ground-breaking technology enabled innovation represents the culmination of several months of intense design work. The evening events will include: social science research (nutrition study, psycho-social study on willingness to go to Mars and a “Grand Rounds” technical presentation Sensory Illusion Cognitive Bias and False Memory from one of the Crew members who is a medical doctor.

Weather: Tonight, cloudy skies with a lowest temperature around -2°C, with a 40% chance of snow. The average highest temperature during the day until Saturday is 5°C, and the lowest during the night would be around -4°C.

Crew Physical Status: The Crew has been working hard and is somewhat fatigued. However, they were bolstered by the wonderful day on Mars.

EVA: One afternoon EVA was conducted, starting at MDRS to MAU Station, with a return to MDRS at 17:30.

Sol Summary – January 26th

MAU Crew 220

MDRS Crew 220 Sol 7 Summary 26Jan2020

Summary Title: Olympus MAUns Approacheth
Author’s name: Shawna Pandya, Commander
Mission Status: MAUminal
Sol Activity Summary: The day began with a skeleton crew, as several members are in quarantine as part of our simulation, so we are down to 6 between MAU-MDRS station, and look forward to working, growing and bonding together as a small group over the next few sols. We spent the morning going over additional medical drills and training in anticipation of our medical EVAs over the next few sols. Later on, Commander Pandya and XO Svensoy moved out to MAU station to take command of operations there, while acting Commander Delisle stepped up to run the MDRS operations. The days ahead will be full, and we all look forward to them. Our sol tonight will end with a "Grand Rounds" academic activity wherein one of our officers will teach the crew about an area of their passion, along with a crew round-table discussion of emergency and medical kit planning – and a little fun and bonding, of course.
Look ahead plan: Tomorrow, the crew will put their medical learning and drilling into practice over the course of a morning recap session, followed by two medical EVAs in front of the hab to simulate these skills in an EVA setting.
Weather: -3C low / 2C max, 0C average, 40% chance of precipitation tomorrow
Crew Physical Status: Starry-eyed, nominal
EVA: 1 PM EVA as old MDRS crew moved to MAU station
Reports to be filed:
Sol Summary
Commander’s Report (sent)
Ops/Engineering Report
GreenHab Report
Photo Report
EVA Request: To be submitted.
Support Requested: Just moral support, please.

Sol Summary Report Jan 25

Crew 220 Sol 6 Summary Report 25-01-2020

Sol: 6

Summary Title: Science day in Hab

Author’s name: Johannes Svensoy, MD.

Mission Status: Indoorsily Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: The day started with a joint briefing between the two Crews after MAU Crew came over to the MDRS Hab. Both Crews presented parts of the New Right Stuff book with further discussion around each crew member’s personal mission and how both Crews could support each other here on Mars. After lunch the rest of the day was set for medical training. After doing a trauma exercise with an ankle trauma, the whole Crew was trained in both first and secondary assessment based on the P-MARCH-P protocol. The Crew trained on trauma cases using the training briefed. The whole crew was trained on using the Golden Bubble pressurized medevac device and how to implement this into Medical EVA missions for future medical EVA drills. The Crew has also grown Kombucha in the Science lab, which after a few days of growing was tested and also analyzed for both bacterial growth.

Look Ahead Plan: On Sol 7 there is a planned change of Stations, meaning both Crews will change stations, a few of the crewmembers are going into a simulated quarantine.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Overcast, no precipitation. Average 0C, high 2C, low +3C, 10% chance of precipitation.

Crew Physical Status: Well, excited for the days ahead.

EVA: None today.

Reports to be filed:

Sol Summary

Commander’s Report

Photo Report

Operations Report

GreenHab Report

EVA Request

Support Requested: More toilet paper please (down to last rations).

Sol Summary Report Jan 25

MDRS MAU Crew 220 Sol Summary Report 25JAN2020

Sol: 6

Summary Title: Sixth Sol Successfully Completed

Author’s name: Morgan Kainu

Mission Status: Healthily Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: MAU crew joined the MDRS crew for medical trauma training at the MDRS hab. We were also briefed on one of the crew member’s science project, the "Golden Bubble".

Look Ahead Plan: Sol 7 will include the switching of stations for the two crews.

Anomalies in work: NA

Weather: Cloudy, low -3 C high 2 C, humidity: 88%, wind: 5 km/h

Crew Physical Status: Nominal


Reports to be filed: Operations Report, Commander, Photos

Support Requested: None at this stage

Sol Summary – January 24th


Crew 220 (MAU) Sol Summary Report 24JAN2020

Sol: 5

Summary Title: Fifth Sol Successfully Completed

Author’s name: Morgan Kainu

Mission Status: Educationally Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: MAU crew encountered communication setbacks during the morning EVA. Crew decided to postpone the first and second EVA of the day to meet up with MDRS crew and discuss communication strategies and practices for future EVAs. Preparations were made for deploying a crew member’s invention, the “golden bubble” pressurized field surgery system, for testing in future Medical EVAs.

Look Ahead Plan: Due to the comms setback during the EVA, the crew postponed the EVA for a later sol. Sol 6 will feature a day filled with in-hab science projects.

Anomalies in work: Muddy and snowy conditions caused need for special care to ensure stability of MAU station as well as traversing the terrain.

Weather: Overcast, low -4 C high 2 C, snowfall early morning, humidity: 86%, wind: 2 km/h

Crew Physical Status: Nominal

EVA: Aborted

Reports to be filed: Engineering, Commander, Photos

Support Requested: None at this stage

Sol Summary – January 23rd

MDRS Crew 220 Sol 4 Summary 23Jan2020

Summary Title: Target acquired?
Author’s name: Shawna Pandya, Commander
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary: Today was a busy day as both crews ran joint EVA exercises in the morning and afternoon with the goal of scouting injury sites for future medical simulations on EVA, followed by a tour of the MAU station. The morning EVA went smoothly, with 2 injury sites (IS) easily found and demarcated.. The afternoon EVA teams, based on the instructions of the morning EVA team found both IS, but then had to end their EVA early due to several comms failure. All in all, the morning and afternoon EVAs achieved the desired objectives, setting the stage for future medical EVAs. Within the Hab, the team continued to bring the surveys, tech and science back online that had previously been disrupted with the loss of Internet.Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow’s EVAs will consist of medical drills at the injury sites identified today and briefing on medical triage, assessment and communication protocols in the field.
Anomalies in work: Hot water still out.
Weather: -5C low / 2C max, 0C average, 20% chance of precipitation tomorrow
Crew Physical Status: Excellent
EVA: 1 AM MDRS EVA and 1 PM MDRS EVA performed today as above
Reports to be filed:
Sol Summary
Journalist’s Report
Ops/Engineering Report
GreenHab Report
Photo Report
EVA Request: To be submitted
Support Requested: Please remove trash from airlock. Requesting saran wrap, aluminum foil, baby wipes, 1 LED lightbult please.

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