Commander Report – January 30th

Crew 220 (MAU) Commander’s Report 30Jan2020

Author: Shawna Pandya, Commander

Title: Eleven’ on a Prayer

The day at MAU station started with a beautiful dawn breaking over the station. Between the night sky and the morning sunrises, the view here is incredible, even if it is forever through a window or visor, and I admit I will miss it. MDRS GreenHab Officer Bhuiyan was the visiting MDRS Ambassador for the night, and regaled us with tales of her experiences with astronomy, physics and poetry. She shared one particularly profound quote from Earth poet Robert Frost that will stay with me:

"The Prophets Really Prophesy
As Mystics The Commentators
Merely by Statistics."
– Robert Frost

It was a thought-provoking way to start our second last Sol here on the Red Planet. Next, myself and XO Svensoy rendezoused with the MDRS EVA team to conduct a joint search-and-rescue, medical triage and evacuation training exercise using a mannequin as a simulated injured crew member, and trialing the Golden Bubble pressurized medevac in the field for the first time. The exercise proceeded smoothly, and paved the way for our final training exercise tomorrow.

The day proceeded with further medical teaching and technology demonstrations, including virtual reality applications and the ButterflyIQ ultrasound device. As a medical doctor, I was enthralled with the latter and had to tear myself away! We were also productive, finding time to catch up on some of our nutrition and psychological surveys. The evening ended with some medical teaching regarding 3D-printed medical technologies for airway management, and some wellness and relaxation activities, including painting in the dark and a Mars Circle.

As my time on this dusty, cold planet draws to a close, I cannot help but reflect about all that I have learned about leadership, teamwork, planning, resilience, personal growth and survival. These things are all interconnected, and the lessons I have learned could fill a book. But alas, those are tales for another day. In the meantime, I will enjoy my last minutes on this planet.

Until my next communication,

Commander Pandya
Callsign: Nightowl
MAU Station, Crew 220

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