EVA Report – January 30th

Crew 220 (MAU) EVA Report 30JAN2020

EVA 11

Author: Johannes Svensoy, MD and Morgan Kainu, BA.

Purpose of EVA: Medical EVA

Start time: 09:00

End time: 12:00

Narrative: This medical EVA integrated search and rescue (S&R) in austere environments, earlier trained P-MARCH-P protocol in the field, evacuation protocols with the Golden Bubble pressurized medevac device, backboard, and two-person evacuation technique for an injure astronaut on EVA.

The EVA started with the MDRS crew members coming over to the MAU Station with the medical manikin, EVA bag, First Aid kit, and Golden Bubble pressurized medevac device. The medical mannequin was placed at the second medical site just West of MAU Station at GPS 12s518287,4250596. The message of a missing crew member was then relayed by the HabComm to the standby EVA rescue team, with information regarding last-known location and possible route. The crew members then initiated the S&R protocol and were able to locate the injured crew members (mannequin). The “patient” had a hard fall and injured his/her left leg, sustaining a tibial-fibular fracture. Biometrics were obtained through LifeTouch Blue system. Using previously drilled skills, an assessment was done, followed by splinting of the left leg and the administration of pain medication. The patient was evacuated to the nearest station which was the MAU Station in the Golden Bubble pressurized medevac device. During evacuation, the crew in MAU Station cleared the airlock of all excessive equipment to have space for the patient and performed further assessment after completing decompression.

The crew performed admirably and demonstrated practical skills application of S&R skills, P-MARCH-P, and evacuation techniques. Everything went as planned. The crew returned in good health.

Destination: MDRS and MAU Station proximity

Coordinates: 4250050,518500

Participants: HabComm: Lee (MAU). EVA Crew (MAU): Shawna, and Johannes.

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110 between the MDRS and MAU Station.

Mode of travel: Walking.

Support Requested: No support requested during EVA

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