Crew 235 EVA Report 05 May 2021
EVA # 4, 5
Author: Jen Carver-Hunter
Purpose of EVA: Continuation of rock sample collection
EVA 4 Start time: 0900
EVA 4 End time: 1000
EVA 5 Start Time: 1200
EVA 5 End time: 1430
Narrative: One of our crew’s goals is to collect rock samples that replicate the rocks found on Mars. For today’s EVA, our targeted specimens were lava, basalt, and granite. In addition, we developed a scavenger hunt challenge for the two EVA crews to use as a competition that included specimens of gryphaea, purple lava, hematite, and sandstone blueberries.
The first planned stop for the EVA was the route to Barainca Butte, and the second planned stop on return to the Hab was east of Zubrin’s head.
The first EVA crew left the hab in vehicles at 0900 and followed Cow Dung Road south to Road 1101. After following Road 1101 west toward Barainca Butte, the crew stopped to collect rock samples, which included lava, granite, and basalt, and gryphaea. The Commander’s suit battery discharged so the EVA was aborted and the crew returned to the hab at 1000.
Because that crew’s EVA mission was not completed they requested that the second EVA crew collect extra samples to meet the day’s goals. They also requested that the second crew return some unwanted petrified wood samples to the west side of Kissing Camel Ridge, as was suggested by Dr. Rupert when she approved today’s EVA last night. Due to the dead battery in Spacesuit 7, the second EVA was only able to accommodate 3 crew members. Krysta volunteered to stay at the hab and requested that her crewmates bring samples back for her collection.
The second EVA crew left the hab in vehicles at 1200 and also followed Cow Dung Road south to Road 1101. They followed Road 1101 toward Barainca Butte and collected their samples along the road. After collecting on Road 1101, the EVA team turned around and turned north on Cow Dung Road until they reached “the Squirrel” landmark. They followed a wash to the west (they were east of Zubrin’s head) until they found the sandstone blueberry nursery.
At this point, they were able to complete the second objective of their mission. The final objective was to return the pieces of petrified wood they were done using to their collection site. Crew stopped south of Kissing Camels Ridge and walked west to return their samples before returning back to the Hab. The second EVA crew returned to the Hab with no difficulty and shared their collected samples with the first EVA crew.
Destination: Barainca Butte, east of Zubrin’s head, Kissing Camel Ridge
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): Destination 1 – 519700, 4247200; Destination 2 – 519750, 4248000; Destination 3 – 518250, 4249250
EVA 4 Participants: Jen, Krysta, Jennifer, Jeff
EVA 5 Participants: Atila, Randall, Thomas
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Entrance Road to Cow Dung Road to Road 1101
Mode of travel: Pathfinder Rover and 2 ATVs.