EVA10 Report – February 28th

Crew 263 EVA Report 28-02-2022

EVA # 10

Author: Elena López-Contreras González

Purpose of EVA: Augmented Reality application testing with a HoloLens device and drone image capture of the station.

Start time: 10:30h

End time: 10:51h

Narrative: EVA Participants entered the airlock at 10:25h. Depressurization ended at 10:30h and the participants exited the airlock. Elena placed the drone on the ground and checked Perseverance.

The EVA started 10 minutes later than scheduled due to troubleshooting the application. Nevertheless, the re-enter time is well within the scheduled limit.

Perseverance: Usage Duration – 228.1 Battery Charge – 100%

The drone was correctly deployed from the inside of the Hab. Several videos and pictures were taken, most notably a Birdseye view of the station, a view with the antenna and a desert view.

Following the same route taken in previous EVAs, the first waypoint was successfully placed on the RAM. The pictures were successfully taken as well by Cerise Cuny, the astronaut wearing the HoloLens. The following waypoints were placed in the Hab, GreenHab, Science Dome and Solar Observatory. The pictures were successfully taken in every point.

Once the waypoints had been placed, the second tour of the station began. The visible waypoints were reported back to HabCom and will be analyzed.

At 10:43, after finishing the second tour of the station, the drone was retrieved –the pilot posed it on the ground for safe retrieval-.

The astronauts entered the airlock at 10:46h and pressurization began. At 10:51h they both entered the Hab.

Nominal EVA and the application was successfully tested.

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 4250750 N, 518250 E

Participants: Elena López-Contreras and Cerise Cuny. Léa Rouverand as HabCom.

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: NaN

Mode of travel: Foot

Vehicles used (If applicable): NaN

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