EVA Report – November 15th

EVA # 1
Author: Jenni Hesterman, Elizabeth Balga
Purpose of EVA: Familiarization with spacesuits, communications system, and rovers
Start time: 1000
End time: 1100
Narrative: The crew took overshot Marble Ritual, executed a three point turn without breaking the berm and arrived at the target area. We set off on foot exploring and noted petrified wood and many types of rock in the area.
Destination: Marble Ritual
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 519000, 4251000
Participants: CDR, COMM, ENGR
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Rd (0110) to Marble Ritual
Mode of travel: Rover, Walking

EVA # 2
Author: Caitlyn Hubric, Elizabeth Balga
Purpose of EVA: Familiarization with spacesuits, communications system, and rovers
Start time: 1430
End time: 1530
Narrative: Attempted to fly our drone today, winds were too high, crash landed but in good condition. Will try again in future EVA. Scouted the area around Marble Ritual for plant life, found 5-6 different plants of interest to sample the dirt/substrate around the roots. Found the presence of an orange organism on the northside of rocks, which looked like a lichen, would like to return to scrape a small amount to look under the microscope.
Destination: Marble Ritual
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 519000, 4251000
Participants: XO, BIO, HSO
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Rd (0110) to Marble Ritual
Mode of travel: Rover, Walking

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