Commander Report – November 16th

Sol: 3
Summary Title: Break a Leg
Author’s name: Dr. Jenni Hesterman, Commander
Mission Status: Nominal
Commander Report: The crew opted to sleep in an hour this morning after viewing a delayed video and convened for breakfast at 8:30AM for strawberry pancakes and yogurt.

First up on the agenda was first aid training using an Oculus VR headset. After viewing the training, the crew practiced splinting a broken leg using material found in the habitat. We’re learning that everything in the station must have multiple uses since resources are limited and resupply is unknown.

The crew then supported the Intertribal Space Conference with a video explaining our mission and stood ready to address questions with the appropriate communication delay between Earth and Mars.

After finishing dinner leftovers for lunch, three crew members left on two rovers for a 2 hour EVA to explore White Rock Canyon. The crew initially experienced a communications problem in an area called Kissing Camel Ridge and learned they needed to move to a different radio channel. After sorting out this issue, they proceeded to the area and searched for unique plants, lichens and rocks. The crew collected eleven organic and inorganic samples and scouted several additional sites for future sample collection.

When EVA operations were complete, the crew met to discuss lessons learned from the mission. After a dinner of chicken and biscuits, we finalized the next day’s schedule. Priorities tonight include preparing for two EVAs tomorrow and a group learning preference and communication exercise.

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