Sol Summary – January 1st

Sol: 0
Summary Title: Successful Entry, Descent, and Landing on MDRS
Author’s name: Kshitij Mall
Mission Status: Awaiting good weather to start the EVAs for training
Sol Activity Summary: Crew 272 safely arrived at MDRS by1200 and got situated. The crew completed training about the habitat including safety measures and precautions to be taken. The crew also undertook power saving measures as the weather was non-nominal for good solar power.
Look Ahead Plan: Based on weather and upon approval, embark on 2 EVAs to get the crew members trained on using suits, radio comms, and rovers.
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Unseasonably warm with on and off rain from 1230
Crew Physical Status: Good
EVA: None
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Operations, HSO, Mission Plan, Crew Bios, Crew Pictures, and Crew Mission Patch.
Support Requested: None

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