Sol: 10
Summary Title: Down day
Author’s name: Marc Levesque, Commander
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary: Because of uncertain Martian weather, the crew took a day off from its usual project activities to recoup and prepare for the end of the mission. Games, exercise, harvesting, and naps were among the various activities throughout the sol as we awaited a favorable weather report for tomorrow.
Look Ahead Plan: Two EVAs are planned. The morning will see a reconnaissance of the North Ridge to scout for a possible route up the ridge and site for relocating the radio repeater as part of Levesque’s project. A second afternoon EVA will explore the area around Summerville for Guariniello’s geology project.
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Cloudy, damp, and cool
Crew Physical Status: Good
EVA: None
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Operations, Journalist, GreenHab, Astronomy, and EVA requests.
Support Requested: None