Sol Summary Report – February 10th



Crew 274 Sol Summary Report 02-10-2023

Sol: 12

Summary Title: Preparations for Egress

Author’s name: Nicholas S. Pender (“X-Man”), HSO

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: The crew began their day conducting their daily surveys and finishing up their entries for the Final Mission Summary Report. The crew also took time today to clean all habitat spaces in preparation for tomorrow’s egress. At 2:00 PM the crew finished simulation and were cleared to exit the habitat to clean the rovers. They also took this time to start loading research equipment in their private vehicles. At 5:00 PM the crew gathered for group photos at the front of the habitat. This evening the crew participated in one last mediation session for Engineer Lojek’s research project.

Look Ahead Plan: The crew is making final preparations for egress tomorrow morning.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Sunny, 5C High, -9C Low; sunny

Crew Physical Status: Healthy

EVA: None

Reports to be filed: Final Mission Summary Report, Sol Summary Report, Operations Report, GHO Report, and Astronomy Report.

Support Requested: None

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