GreenHab Report – February 15th



GreenHab Officer: Adrien Tison

Environmental control: Heater

Average Temperature: 70.55 °F

Average humidity: 19%

Hours of supplemental light: 4 hours

Daily water usage for crops: 8.77 gallons

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 0 gallons

Water in the blue tank: 154.20 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 9:35 & 15:25

Changes to crops: N/A

Narrative: Last night the supplemental light didn’t light up at 10pm, I went to check it out, the timer just had a few minutes offset. I, thus, changed it back to normal; it worked as intended.

Today I maintained and watered crops and plants as my daily operations. There were some new dry leaves on tomatoes, thus, I cleaned them and watered well the tomatoes.

As a new habit, to help their leaves not to be dry, I pulverize water on crops’ leaves to simulate morning dew.

I then ran some water tests on the aquaponics to ensure the safety of the fishes, everything is well.

I also harvested tomatoes and lemon balm at 10:57; it was a wonderful surprise to discover that many tomatoes were ready to be harvested.

Harvest: 177g of tomatoes & 1g of lemon balm

Support/supplies needed: N/A

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