GreenHab Report – February 17th

GreenHab Officer: Adrien Tison

Environmental control: Heater

Average Temperature: 70.75 °F

Average humidity: 20% (to be double-checked)

Hours of supplemental light: 4 hours

Daily water usage for crops: 7.39 gallons

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 0 gallons

Water in the blue tank: 134.65 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 9:32 & 17:46

Changes to crops: N/A

Narrative: As it is cold nowadays, the temperature was around 66 °F in the morning, but thankfully the sun was bright (and the heater also did its job very well), so the temperature went back up again.

Everything was normal, nothing to signal, so I maintained and watered crops and plants as my daily operations.

I didn’t get to use another sensor today to double-check the humidity, but I will do it as soon as possible during the following days.

I harvested basil and thyme for today’s lunch, what a pleasure it is to have access to so many tasteful possibilities.

Harvest: 4g of Basil & 3g of thyme

Support/supplies needed: N/A

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