EVA Report – April 17th\

Crew 280 EVA Report 17-04-2023

EVA #1

Author: Mariona Badenas (Commander and Crew Astronomer) and Carla Conejo (Executive Officer)

Purpose of EVA: The goal of the first EVA was to perform a training for the first half of the crew, where we practiced communication between the crew members participating in this EVA and the Hab. The location for exploration was the Marble Ritual.

Start time: 3:20pm

End time: 4:54pm

Narrative: The EVA was planned for 2pm, but it started about 1h:20 min later. The reason for the delay was that the crew was waiting for three members to return from the hospital, which pushed our EVA training session to the early afternoon. The goal of the EVA was to test the rovers, practice the protocols regarding the spacesuits, and get used to the radio communication between the EVA and Hab team.

It took about 40 min for the EVA team to get ready to exit the Hab. For this EVA we used Curiosity and Perseverance rovers and we drove to Marble Ritual through Cow Dung Road 0110. After reaching our destination, we parked the rovers by the road and walked 300m around a hill to get used to moving around with the suits. During this time, all communications went very smoothly and the team took some pictures that are being attached in the journalist report. After some minutes walking around the area, we were contacted by the base to start our way back to the rovers.

Just before starting our drive back to the MDRS, Ariadna Farrés (communication leader in the base) could not establish contact with Mariona Badenas (communication leader in EVA) through channel 1; Mariona was able to hear Ariadna though. Carla Conejo switched to channel 1 –although not need for EVA performed in locations close to the MDRS– to respond to the base requirement to start our way back. In 15 min we reached the station and parked the rovers. Laia Ribas also experienced communication issues while informing about the rover’s battery level and driving hours. We then returned to the base and started with the decompression in the airlock and safe return of the astronauts to the base.

Destination: Marble Ritual
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 519000 E, 4250500 N

Participants: Mariona Badenas (Commander) (EVA Leader), Carla Conejo (Executive officer & Biologist), Neus Sabaté (Engineer), Núria Jar (Journalist).

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110.

Mode of travel: Drive on Cow Dung Road. Walk around Marble Ritual no further than 300 m from the rovers.

EVA: #2

Author: Ariadna Farrés, Crew Scientist and Health & Safety Officer

Purpose of EVA: The goal of this second EVA was to perform a training for the crew, where we practiced communication between the crew members in this EVA and the Hab. The location for exploration was the Marble Ritual.

Start time: 5:10pm

End time: 6:03pm

Narrative: The EVA started one hour later than requested as the first EVA of the day had already been delayed. The goal of the EVA was to get comfortable with the spacesuits and practice the different EVA protocols, the communication between EVA and the Hab and get familiar with the environment. This was the second time the crew was performing the PRE EVA protocol, and things went smoother than during the first EVA of the day. It took the crew 30 min to get ready to get out of the Hab.

The crew used Opportunity and Spirit for this second EVA. The first part of the EVA consisted of getting to Marble Ritual with the rovers. Once there the objective was to walk around the Marble ritual area to discover the place and get used to walking around with the spacesuits and radio communications. The crew also wanted to test the communications with the Hab using the Hypatia I personal radio set. Cesca, as the mission specialist was the one responsible to test the radio set and was caring with her two radio sets, radio number 7 from the MDRS base and the Hypatia I radio. When the crew arrived at Marble Ritual (and out of the rovers), we tested the communications with the base using the Hypatia I radios. The communications went well after adjusting the radio frequency. Once the Hypatia I radio set was tested successfully the crew decided to explore the surroundings of Marbel Ritual. This walk consisted of 15 min of the EVA where we walked around and got comfortable with the spacesuits. No communication problems seemed to exist with the Hab during the entire EVA.

Finally, the crew started the return to the Hab with the rovers. During the return to the Hab we decided to have Spirit lead the road followed by Opportunity. Upon arrival to the Hab we checked the hours and batteries usage of all rovers and started with the decompression in the airlock and safe return of the astronauts to the base.

Destination: Marble Ritual.

Coordinates (use UTM WSG 84): 519000 E, 4250500 N

EVA participants: 3: Ariadna Farrés (HSO) (EVA Leader), Núria Jar (Journalist), Cesca Cufí (Mission specialist).

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110.

Mode of travel: Drive on Cow Dung Road. Walk around Marble Ritual no further than 500m from the rovers.

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